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Everything posted by Garodar

  1. K, then. Thanks for the feedback, m8. :) :diablo:
  2. Thanks for the feedback m8. Its always appreciated. :)
  3. Sure... Name the price. http://res.cloudinary.com/urbandictionary/image/upload/a_exif,c_fit,h_200,w_200/v1395991705/gjn81wvxqsq6yzcwubok.png
  4. Y, I almost guessed he was being sarcastic... :p
  5. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-tOHfXsuCi2A/UAR-aWhhiHI/AAAAAAAADds/GEPBcd-ogfU/s1600/roflmfao.jpg
  6. Both surv/mm are literally same in terms of popularity in season 15. Only BM was dog spec...
  7. This thread went beyond full retard in such a short time...
  8. 60 hours, lol. :p Glad people liked it. :)
  9. Why do they apply fixes once monthly and not every 2, 3 days like every other server? How hard is it to do that, lol?
  10. Garodar

    FoF deep

    You can't apply a bug fix without bugging out something else. You should know this by now... :confused:
  11. Its easier... MM is still good, but constant pressure without having to burst seems alot easier for autists that play hunter on pwow.
  12. Maybe we can test it somehow.
  13. Just add it to the report, pls.
  14. Garodar


    Treants can hit targets in cyclone and damage them. Shouldn't be that way.
  15. Dont forget to remove the double "aura/curse issue" thread you added in the list, cuz mine is already there. :)
  16. Did you add the issue where sometimes you're not able to use gateway, because when u get near gateway, is removes its own charges for no reason. It should always have 5 charges.
  17. Repitch, did you update fixes recently, or?
  18. Y, noticed it too on cross... Wtb smooth gameplay pwow, ples. :)
  19. They should make it like old A.T. Keepo
  20. Garodar

    Aura/Curse Issue

    Bump. Should be fixed soon. :crab:
  21. Merry Christmas to everyone, have a wonderful holiday and have a Happy New Year. :heart: :)
  22. Why are you remaking a thread that already exists?? :confused:
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