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Everything posted by Furmetal

  1. How is it not fixed yet? Did OP also forgot to mention that the RoF is freezing beyond its visual area?
  2. I played on retail 5.4.8. as a restoration druid and feral, and I can say that, it does NOT drops target nor focus.
  3. How? @Topic I think that, as much as there is QQ about mistweavers(and, I have to confess, while I do agree that it is a strong class, I would not say that it is OP, but whenever I see a mw on the opposite arena team I be like "that's gonna take a while") all the bugs should be fixed. I also think that whining on bug tracker pointlessly should have a punishment just like it has on the report a player section, but what forum mod got time for that, right? There are more than 12 sections on bug tracker.
  4. Furmetal

    Beacon of Light

    I wouldn't mind helping you with a few tests to see if mass dispell is or isnt removing Beacon of Light. PM me.
  5. Furmetal

    Psyfiend Bug

    Psyfiends can't get interrupted(aka pummel/skull bash/etc) either.
  6. Why is there no answer from the staff? Is nobody paying attention to this? @Nyah Errrm, I tested a few things and the absorbs ARE affected by battle fatigue, but none of the absorbs are affected by dampening Absorb does NOT count as healing on the healing count, on the end of an arena or a BG(should count, it is bugged). Damage done to absorbs are NOT counted as damage(should be counted, it is bugged)
  7. So there I was gearing a mistweaver for my friend's secret birthday gift and I found some cheaters in the arena. Pic - http://i.imgur.com/cPYXOyK.jpg Name - nodmgdonex Realm - Pandawow Fun The monk went through the arena gates earlier thus suprising us. #Note - The warlock was just shadow bolting, probably a bot.
  8. Realm - Pandawow Fun Server time - 06:02 AM Description - As you can see on the proof image, both players are dead(you can also see their corpses) but still they refuse to leave the arena. I also warned them about what would happen. Players being reported - koboshii and thanhatos Proof - http://i.imgur.com/of4VyHr.jpg http://i.imgur.com/gZSQiTm.jpg
  9. Realm - Pandawow Fun Time it happened - Around 22:09 server time Players - GeraçãoBrasi and Jlsdf(you can see his nick on the inferior right corner). Proof - http://i.imgur.com/qNtlGjJ.jpg Rule being broken - Going through the arena gates before the countdown is finished.
  10. "That makes feral pretty much bleeds and ravage." Kinda of is, but it's a bit more complex because of the snapshots, CC, energy manages and etc.
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