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Everything posted by kkao

  1. 1.Name of the violator: OØOØßæOØØßæO 2.Realm, where you saw the violation: PandaWoW-Fun 3.Description of the violation: he was flying , mind control one shot me , 517k and he is teleporting 4.Proof:http://imgur.com/a/u3Ipj http://imgur.com/a/W0NLt http://imgur.com/a/fflbv http://imgur.com/a/PVdiX SINCE I WAS DISCARTED BECAUSE MODERATORS ARE TOO LAZY TO TYPE THE NAME THERE PROOF AND NAME FUCKING BANN THE SHIT OUT OF HIM AND RETURN MY POINTS HUH? WONT RETURN IT DONT YOU ? BUT U ARE TOO FAST TO DISCARD IT IF U WANT PROVE TO MY ANUS PICTURE?
  2. 1.Name of the violator: ooombaofanoIDK WHAT IS THE NAME LOOK AT PROOF PIC 2.Realm, where you saw the violation: PandaWoW-Fun 3.Description of the violation: he was flying , mind control one shot me , 517k and he is teleporting 4.Proof:http://imgur.com/a/81WTR
  3. +1 from me
  4. Name of Achievement http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=4957/20-dungeon-quests-completed http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=975/200-daily-quests-complete Description : It doesn't Reward the achievement once i've done it Realm : Fun Prove: http://oi65.tinypic.com/qoj289.jpg , http://oi67.tinypic.com/10za6p5.jpg Tested : 14/01/2016 Priority 10/10 since i want achv points badly
  5. Злость Major lag ingame guys , since one week im expiriencing alot of sudden ms ingame , can you guys fix this , its killing me its pretty annoying im not sure almost everyone is complaining about it , that was my preview post because an administrator closed the threat so fast "my provider my ass i have 20 internet connections wi-fi yet none works ? :D are you kidding me?
  6. guys , since one week im expiriencing alot of sudden ms ingame , can you guys fix this , its killing me its pretty annoying im not sure almost everyone is complaining about it ,
  7. im amazed how fast they ban :D but the fast they answer , w/e lets wait and see
  8. there is also cap limit , for a day i think u expirienced more than 1 day?
  9. here i leave you the image ,the previous wont load http://oi64.tinypic.com/3481479.jpg
  10. relog ?
  11. kkao

    All in general

    i cant agree more my friend
  12. 1. "With a Little Helper From My Friends" 2. I've Done everything the mission required (to get 50 Honorable Kills in little helper elf form from the winter wondervolt Machine , its fine but it Stucks it says 50/50 but the achievement doesnt pop up as completed : http://i67.tinypic.com/ncfpc8.jpg prove : 3. It must pop up as normal completed mission , in this case it stucks 4. 18/12/2015 5. Fun 6. 9-10
  13. so none will answer? rly?
  14. 1. "With a Little Helper From My Friends" 2. I've Done everything the mission required (to get 50 Honorable Kills in little helper elf form from the winter wondervolt Machine , its fine but it Stucks it says 50/50 but the achievement doesnt pop up as completed : http://i67.tinypic.com/ncfpc8.jpg prove : 3. It must pop up as normal completed mission , in this case it stucks 4. 18/12/2015 5. Fun 6. 9-10
  15. ? im suggesting it ? read
  16. Hi there , i wanted to suggest for a new "tab" in the buy charecter section that says the number of titles each one have , myself im willing to buy more a charecter with more titles . since im trading charecters very often i would like to know each one how much titles it has
  17. can someone fix this , im geting annoyed ty
  18. http://wow.gamepedia.com/Transmogrification stop comenting leandro you are confusing everybody
  19. so its my fault ? :D the achievement wont pop up , srsly i want to speak with a mod you dont know nothing about this game , as i saw your post about legendary transmog items :D - - - Updated - - - aliceh , yes i did seems like in the fun server is obviously buged everyone saying its not are from the x10 or x100 idk how more to explain it
  20. I posted screen , before comenting please watch them , ty
  21. 1.http://i.imgur.com/67GEIgr.jpg 2.http://i.imgur.com/SmgRjab.jpg 3.http://i.imgur.com/lw2SWKo.jpg 4.http://i.imgur.com/M4X0kcg.jpg 5.http://i.imgur.com/d8PHebz.jpg 6.http://i.imgur.com/8yW6G6F.jpg 7.http://i.imgur.com/EpoSLwj.jpg 8.http://i.imgur.com/CNKQhGl.jpg
  22. Legendary items cannot be transmoged
  23. 1.http://i.imgur.com/67GEIgr.jpg 2.http://i.imgur.com/SmgRjab.jpg 3.http://i.imgur.com/lw2SWKo.jpg 4.http://i.imgur.com/M4X0kcg.jpg 5.http://i.imgur.com/d8PHebz.jpg 6.http://i.imgur.com/8yW6G6F.jpg 7.http://i.imgur.com/EpoSLwj.jpg 8.http://i.imgur.com/CNKQhGl.jpg if you guys need ill make screen of every completed hail to the chef achieveemnt , DUDes that gets angry because dont believe ill continue to make posts until this is solve , and thats final lel
  24. prove it , my achievement dont show up neither pop up and i dont have the title t-t
  25. Its actualy not , please read http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=140609&highlight=chef my other post and fix something
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