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Everything posted by Rockella

  1. I'm Udaku you moron. Remember - http://www.twitch.tv/sazzieu/v/19593801?? I don't usually use forum but Dion gave acc after I saw how retarded you were being. Now you'll probably get mad and do exactly what he says you do and rage and cry at me about DK's. But really idc i'm out, pce.
  2. I play with Dio he even say I know this to be true. I q 3s with him often and I never seen him trashtalk someone who hasn't already open their big mouth. Nervous and aggressive.. It doesnt seem like you're very calm either.. - - - Updated - - - I see why you're so mad now. You're Saltmaster Felxprod, I remember queueing into you with Minjpojke. You won 1 game when Dio d/c. What is the first thing you do? Start talking shit. So when we farmed you the next 10 games in a row, I guess it was humiliating, and extremely frustrating for you lol. But you're just another example where a big mouth gets shut up. There's a couple sayings: There's many more, but you & Noneed would benefit from learning some of them.
  3. Hmmm you miss point i think. Dion say he doesn't start the trashtalking but he only reply to those that do it. Like Noneedholy who nobody likes anyway. I enjoyed seeing him own that noob. He always trashtalking everyone calling them noobs and stuff but he can't say that to Dion because Noneed loses all the time to him lol. ^^ Server would be better if we finally banned tryhard noobs like Noneed who flame everyone because they suck and always lose when they play vs good players.
  4. I'm surprised they haven't removed this post and banned everyone on it already like Juster does on English forums.. Do they not remove if it's Russian forum lol? :/
  5. Bump :O
  6. Hi my friend is trying to join PandaWoW but says he cannot make account?
  7. Rockella


    кто заботится они даже не дают названия для 3x3
  8. Good post. They need listen, or 3vs3 slowly stop and server number lower if not even given titles.. :S
  9. :mage:Mage - Claimi (undead mage) :rogue:Rogue - Claimitko (undead rogue) :paladin:Paladin - Claimí (ret pala) :hunter:Hunter - Huntheclaim :shaman:Shaman - Claimtheblue :monk:Monk - Claimimw :druid:Druid - Claimdachicken :warlock:Warlock - Claimy :warrior:Warrior - Claimwarr :deathknight:DK - Claimmyaids :priest:Priest - Claimithejew DID I DO IT RIGHT!? :)
  10. Zhalifa you're a funny and strange person, to be calling others hatefilled.. Even while you've been posting, some random guy has had to sit through this hate from you lol: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=140495 Frank is right, you are toxic to pandawow. Just because people don't take screenshots of you, you get away with it. You are a sad troll.
  11. Someone spam racism at you, I am not shocked you say something back.. Racism is two way street, and is always wrong. I'm glad you defend yourself and others though. Ignore Zhalifa though Frank, everyone knows he is troll :) Look: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=140495
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