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Everything posted by theo74

  1. Brian !!!!!!;;;;;;;!!!!!!;#-#)€-_)"-#(#+*+#((#(#(#+€€-_-€((€
  2. Yes, can't connect, and if u go on website control panel, error coming ''403 Forbidden'' .. :c
  3. Hi, today i go to log on website, but if I click on ''Control panel'' or another, this error was coming ''403 Forbidden''. Can anyone help me ? :(
  4. 1. Name of problem : The player falls undermap . 2. Description : Lot of class can use fear or mass control, and for exemple if mage use morph near/beside a tree player can down undermap and he is blocked, this situation are realy bad in arena ... Other exemple, war ( war is realy affected by this bug ) if player are in mounted 3/4 of time is undermap, in arena is too current, and can change all arena . 3. Who do it work : Normaly the floor is impossible to cross down . 4. Date of test : 20.10.16 5. Realm : FUN / X100 6. Priority of the probleme : 10/10 Note : For me, the resolution of this bug, can change the game and make happy player . Cordially.
  5. theo74

    Leg gem {dps}

    This gem is completely bug, need script is realy important, this gem proc, but damage are realy low O.o 370 damage in pve, ( normaly, this hit min 20k ~~ ) :( Fix this plz
  6. I need information, lot of people in x100 Realm tell me ''Fun are 30% dps and heal more than x100''. This rumor is real or no ?
  7. Ok thanks, i go view ! :D - - - Updated - - - Yes thanks u very much !!!!!!!!
  8. Hi, this morning i view war with realy sick aura, and i creat post for get question, how to get it !!!!??? :o http://www.noelshack.com/2016-32-1470643517-wowscrnshot-080816-094705.jpg - - - Updated - - - PS: This war don't have buff, and stuff is normal
  9. Ye but i can't see thas on website :'((( And i just use 300 bonus on thas ...
  10. Realm : x100 Description of problem: I buy Tyranical Gladiator's Cloud Serpent in realm x100 for use mount on all my account but problem, a mount just work on the char :( Name of character : Nitroshots If can't work on account, can i transfer the mount on my main on fun ? .-. Proof/Screenshot : http://imgur.com/pGo0VDW http://imgur.com/RKAm652 http://imgur.com/hLD2Jrh http://imgur.com/EweDQLO http://imgur.com/qJVMqtj http://imgur.com/YMHS6ml
  11. Arathi basin, this is not bg ? Wtf ? Are you looking screenshots ?
  12. So, here he is on bg. So is illegal.
  13. Name: Shameow, Shameowz, Shameows, Shamyawz. Realm: Fun / Cross test (In bg) Description : Shaman use cheat program for multibox. Screenshot : http://imgur.com/nDgKFN8 http://imgur.com/83jKwL1
  14. Realm: x100 and fun Problem : All shaman in serveur . I just creat this topic for information on date of fix ? Cause is realy big problem with all shaman ... :(
  15. Name : Frikc Realm : Fun Description of problem : This priest climb on the wall all time and attack player in bg ... Prove : [ATTACH=CONFIG]108493[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]108494[/ATTACH]
  16. WTS full 550 Hunter mass Tmog and title, 2 proffetion : Tailoring and Engineering 600 + bonus cooking 525 ! A lot of exalted reputation !!! All of this for min price !!! Yes 700+ tax ! Name: Fankool. On x100 realm. She is prety human girl ! ♀Go buy this ! :D ! Screenshots : http://www.noelshack.com/2016-13-1459176853-wowscrnshot-032616-222500.jpg http://www.noelshack.com/2016-13-1459176859-wowscrnshot-032616-222425.jpg http://www.noelshack.com/2016-13-1459176871-wowscrnshot-032616-222903.jpg http://www.noelshack.com/2016-13-1459177028-wowscrnshot-032516-224452.jpg http://www.noelshack.com/2016-13-1459177080-wowscrnshot-032616-221347.jpg
  17. Hi, i creat this topic for title : ''Slayer of Stupid, Incompetent and Disappointing Minions'' . My group kill boss : '' Maloriak '' in 25 nm, and don't recieve the title . Can admin add title on all palyer of groups ? Realm x100 Prove : http://www.noelshack.com/2016-12-1458993884-wowscrnshot-032616-125104.jpg http://www.noelshack.com/2016-12-1458993891-wowscrnshot-032616-125113.jpg Wowhead prove : http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=41378/maloriak Name of all player in raid group : Rescuee x100, Patze x100, Flyffqt x100, Fankool x100 .
  18. Thanks u !!! :D
  19. SOLD !
  20. Hi, I creat this topic for question, Extra CD and Tell Me When work on pandawow ? I download the 5.4.8 vertion but probleme in game. Addon not work: Extra CD (slash command in game is : ecd) screen n°2 and 3 Tell Me When (command is : tmw) screen n°4 and 5 Screenshot: [1] http://www.noelshack.com/2016-12-1458808452-wowscrnshot-032416-092609.jpg [2] http://www.noelshack.com/2016-12-1458808460-wowscrnshot-032416-092720.jpg [3] http://www.noelshack.com/2016-12-1458808464-wowscrnshot-032416-092748.jpg [4] http://www.noelshack.com/2016-12-1458808473-wowscrnshot-032416-093247.jpg [5] http://www.noelshack.com/2016-12-1458808482-wowscrnshot-032416-093302.jpg
  21. Lol x))) Noo :')
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