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  1. I put 250 coins into a reset 2s rating and I was at 0 on the ladder and I did one arena and got my arena rating back... character name : Reavers realm : x100 I rename it now into tchenkoff I want my money back or my rating reset please so something to me thanks
  2. The best really ? So why did u alt f4 against me ? (I'm reavers) Don't worry I have the screens so don't try to lie it will be useless Anyway the "best" players on pw needs alt f4 lol u're so funny dude
  3. In 2s : - elem/disc (dampening bugs STILL not fix) - unholydk/Monk (bug as f***) - Frost mage/rdudu - survival hunter/sub rogue - rsham/alock (totally bug) Anyway most of the comme That we hate it's cuz they're bugged ... Noone like to play against an alock ...
  4. Remake this thread after that pandaWow will be full debug Will be more intelligent ... Oh what I Just said ... It won't happen. I'm not here to cry or anything cuz I don't even care about this server now but it's a pitty that pandawow was (for me) the last mop Private server with interesting pvp really but now the only thing that we can see it's that they don't really care of the players of the server (it's my opinion) but yeah pvp is dying... Server is dying... Just for that bugs like repitch list some of them. Anyway like I said I'm not here to cry but please members of the pandawow staff PLEASE do something ! Otherwise it's simple pandawow will die ... Trust me Btw I got a lot of fun here ;) Cya
  5. Mage : Abu (Frost) ; baaz (Fire) Rogue : Repitchx (sub) Paladin : Idk. Warlock : Insanelock ; lagyna (both affli) Shaman : A russian (elem) and noone in resto Priest : Shelby (holy) ; Shadowstar (disc) Warrior: Me (Reavers) Hunter : A russian (survival) Dk : Anacondax(unholy) Druid : Lightstory(feral) ; cogu(resto) ; noone in balance Monk : Kiiwii (mw) ; noone in ww
  6. "Loosing against a fire mage" blablabla like I said before you just don't understand anything -_- this is a game ELLO!?? We actually don't care about u and ur m8 ... Just learn to be nice and social dude go outside of ur house !!! Anyway like always just care about urself and keep think that u're the best ok ? Peace noneedfriends / noneedbrain
  7. Noneed Noneed Noneed... Will u understand that no one like you ... You're always gonna insult people for no reason and think u're the best that's ur thing ?? Please it's just a fcking game go out of ur house and meet other people dude #unsocial Anyway u're too dumb to understand anything Oh yeah btw I'm reavers if u want to continue to insult me u can I don't even care like all here don't even care about you. Cya Noneedbrain ;)
  8. The biggest prb actually can only be the mastery, and that's why affliction is completly wtf cuz mastery increase DoTs dmg ... Anyway it wont be fix cuz they don't even care now ^^ Reavers
  9. Did you read what I just said ? I wrote that I made a ticket ingame but it's just bugging ... That's why I'm posting here ... Anyway thanks for the answer ;)
  10. I made a ticket ingame but it's just bugging and I don't know why, I just wanted to receive my title so if u can answer my it will be nice :) Thanks Have a good day - - - Updated - - - name: Reavers(x100) missing item: Title proof: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=116837
  11. Name of the violator : Decoy Realm : Pandawow x100 Description of the violation : This guy is using two talents at the same time in arena, that we can see on the screenshot Spirit bond and the Iron hawk aspect as well and he know perfectly that he's using a bug because I talk to him just after and when I said that he will be ban he answer me that he don't care because he will continue to abuse on an other account ... Proof : - http://i.imgur.com/UFBKEGV.jpg - http://i.imgur.com/ZTY81mD.jpg?1 - http://i.imgur.com/b7qtiPM.jpg?1 Comments to the situation : He also said to me : "puto jaja" because he was angry after that I said : "report for bug abuse " ...
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