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Everything posted by Helpmepleaseee

  1. Can you whisper me ingame(Djtrapski) Need to talk to you. [To hioshiru]
  2. 1.Vadaszapa 2.Fun 3.Hioshiru didn't mute him because Vadaszppa is his friend +Vadaszapa insulting me.
  3. 1. Brujamalefic 2. Not Sure 3. Speedhacking meaning capped 3 flags in the first 1minute of the BG 4. http://imgur.com/NV1KjIb http://imgur.com/RQjh81s http://imgur.com/EOMZRhs If it doesn't Prove anything Look at the time on the map .
  4. 1.Stevica 2.Fun 3.Insulting my family and spamming for no reason ( i didnt even talk to him)
  5. 1.Gnomiept 2.Fun 3.Insulting towards relatives
  6. 1.Allyisnoob 2.Fun 3.Asked if he was mad an replied with an insult
  7. 1. Bezerk 2. Fun 3. Insulting me in Bg
  8. Last 30 mins me and my 2 other friends has some kind of problem transmogging Challenge mode gear , We press apply nothing happens , help please
  9. Just suicided :D
  10. 1.Plonberg 2.PandaWoW Fun 3.Spamming as I shown in the screenshot below within 3 secs
  11. 1. Pewpewimdead 2. PandaWoW Fun 3. Insulting me because we Owned them.
  12. So I was having some problems with my mage and I did repair character After i pressed repair I logged in normally , and I foundmyself on my mage and I couldnt (still can't) use any spells , why is this happening ? Please help me Mage name :Skylady Also I tried ; Repairing 2 times more , Deleting Cache Folder , Relogging a million times. - - - Updated - - - Nvm Fixed thanks to Óptmized The most useful player in Pandawow. He should be a GM.
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