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Everything posted by Aklator

  1. Hello, i returned to pandawow last week and i downloaded the launcher, not the torrent, every time i relog on the game I have to remake my macros again and again. I searched that stuff on Google and nothing usefull appears, what could i do? Thank you.
  2. Name: Fakira Realm: Fun Violation: Bugging on Dalaran Arena staying behind crystal to prevent the push of the water Proof: http://imgur.com/a/W78Lc
  3. Wrong format, this will be declined. Follow this rules: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=139802
  4. I don't see the abuse... Can you explain me it?
  5. -Restozz -Fun -He lost a arena becouse he's ungeared, and began to say stupid things. - http://prnt.sc/ag37tp
  6. 1- Spiritbaby and Nilbares 2- Fun 3- They stay at the beggining place waiting for heal reduction 4- http://prnt.sc/aabocx http://prnt.sc/aabnjf
  7. 1- Spiritbaby and Nilbares 2- Fun 3- They stay at the beggining place waiting for heal reduction 4- http://prnt.sc/aabocx http://prnt.sc/aabnjf
  8. Name: Кареглазочка Realm: Fun Comentaries: He was on the ceiling waiting for 100% heal reduction Proofs: http://prntscr.com/a7s65q
  9. Everyone say that the heals of the retribtion paladin are bug but, what of the feral heals? and boomkins? The ret paladin dont have a good position on the ladders becouse it's not op, but if you know how to do 1v1 every class can do a 1v5 in subwar.
  10. Btw Aethiz has 5 mages on her possesion, then banning the account will do nothing.
  11. God damn and she's in 2800+? Remove his rating pls
  12. Well I don't do 3v3 in high rate (I'm a dirty 1k3 xd), but with this, the GM's and admins are ruining one of the most populated MoP servers. Please contract more people to look out the hackers and the rule's breakers. Thanks.
  13. If the nitro boost fail your last preocupation is kill a member of other faction. You fall so fast to kill anyone.
  14. Wow we are waiting some response to this post of the Gm's http://z0r.de/1132 - - - Updated - - - Pujo JUST USE THIS http://z0r.de/6921
  15. Well, why this argue about a ''bug talent'' has been derivative in a muscular show?:-|
  16. Well, just exit from the rain -> countered; Stun-> countered; Put a MINIMAL magical defense-> countered. Yes, bug, bug is the warrior bleeds, bug is the thunder clap, THIS is not a bug
  17. If you CANNOT use it, why the game approves it?
  18. If someone get a ban becouse they use a flask/potion/buff which was in the game it's an unjustice, you can't use at the same time the 1k flask+Crystal of Instanity, becouse Blizzard doesn't approves, if you can use Darkmoon firewater+other pot what's the problem?
  19. Obviously nobody's perfect but, why they banned pujo and with the rest of the people they just declined? Find another server is not the solution, they aren't equal GM's that's all.
  20. Can be a ungeared druid or rogue who runs like a god, he don't do a lot of damage but an pick flags
  21. First: Follow the rules of report http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=139802 Second: Is Eye of the Storm, you don't have to attack to pick some flags
  22. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=139802 You must follow the rules, or the post will be declined.
  23. 1. Raffhy 2. Fun 3. He wanted to kill me and, when i killed him, he said this on french. 4. http://imgur.com/TH0QnYo
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