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Everything posted by Flashxoxo

  1. They are mad cuz they are french and they cant understand english properly, its why they think French = poop. No racism there. are you black?
  2. Hello? 1 charge. 140k from hunter bm, 325k from warrior? HELLOOOOOO? tought NS healing touch hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is it normal???? couldnt even trinket to ursoc, was like 120k+ 325k same time lol http://i.imgur.com/FTmF8ed.jpg
  3. this bug happens cause of Scatter / Disortening effects, like Scatter/Disortening roar/ Polymorph, it will be hard to find the real bug that affects all of these spells.
  4. Rofl, not bad just for afflics, 70% double dps combs get raped by awar/xheal combs
  5. Hello, if you are not a braindead, and you got a 5 days char or 4, and want sell it, Lets talk a little bit, i got 3 chars, 1 full all specs pvp/pve druid with 5 days played, i got more than 10 offers up to 1 - 3k wanting to buy it, plz put time played down to 5 or 4, the comunnity wants it, not only me.
  6. Flashxoxo

    fukboy Marks

    Hes talking about marking teams before arena, it should save, but it doesnt : * ( +1
  7. Hahaha they are now probably drinking vodka and smoking laughing about putin
  8. Yeah, skills can beat anything, tell this to mt WLS and WMS team : )
  9. Nice, its why every fucking random is playing now TSG >:-)
  10. Baaaaaan incomming
  11. Hello guys, I'm flash ( the fastest men alive)(jk) hm, I'm here to share something that I discovered, before off season I used to use a macro to leave arenas, now its unviable, and I discovered this same macro can be used to leave Arena Spectator before game ends, you need to save macro, and when you wants to leave, push macro from /w, bind it then Done! Kisses! ×Macro× /script LeaveBattlefield() /script AccpetBattleFieldPort(1,1) *Edit* Its viable only when one of the guys is afk in Match status = )
  12. Wintraders or wms all.daaaaaay
  13. Let he troll, dumbs, dont have humor sense?
  14. Pwow...
  15. Hahahah Raped! GG Russian hunter! I loved your Explosive shot dmg
  16. Hes using lock demo pet , its not the initial pet... ban.
  17. You are a terrible moderator, you looks like a 14 years old kid that think game need to be like prision, all under control and be seriously. plz Go eat some rice spanish boy, players dont need you.
  18. I think could be nice if you guys create a 3v3 server out of cross system, instant 90/550, it could incentive pple to play it and maybe learn.
  19. I think could be nice if you guys create a 3v3 server out of cross system, instar 90/550, it could incentive pple to play it and maybe learn.
  20. Name of the violator: youaresobadk Reason: Hacking underground pull Realm: Fun! Proofs: http://imageshack.com/a/img905/8053/DuDW8b.jpg
  21. They should remove Dalaran swears, pple scrumb abuse that shard aswell.
  22. i played monk retail, and something that i know is that fists of fury is not even bugged, i was one of the worsts monks possible, than 80 - 120 k crits were normal. stop cry boy.
  23. If its bugged, now warriors going to be gods, fucking unstoppable machine
  24. yes, hard, he needs to get fired for this... hard action
  25. Hm, ure right about a chat mod btw, but chiv is funny with players its called humor sense, thing that noneed doesnt got. In my opinion only noneed is a toxic player
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