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  1. You have not insult my family, but you've insult people on the BG, you said things like 'Fking idiot/noobs' and i don't like to be insulted buy someone than i don't know, that's why i answered, then please x') You're really a nasty people
  2. You hope he'ill get banned with your post right right ? Toon of bad ppl on this world :'')
  3. "Posted by Lanstus: Insult towards relatives. Player Name: Tarcod Faction: Horde Realm: PandaWoW Fun Description: Well... "Fuu*k ur grandmom dude" sounds like insult towards my grandma" -> I got banned for 1h cuz of this, but why u have not screen what you said to me juste before my sentence ? You've just screen what i said, when you was flamming against all the bg cuz nobody was playing the objectif you have not screen this xD
  4. its don't working, i get instantly disconnected when i try to login on the server
  5. Ah ok i've understand the loginserver is down but the gameserver is open that's why some people are logged but people who're not logged can't login ! :D
  6. No I'm actually working on this... I've try to re-download all the client but it's still don't working..
  7. Is the server down ? I can't connect, i was in game this morning.. Look at the screenshot. I'm not banned, i've check.. Please.. Help.. ->http://img15.hostingpics.net/thumbs/mini_515320cantconnect.png They write connexion, but i can't connect... I've already delete the 'cache' folder and i've re-download the 'WTF' folder, but its still don't working..
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