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Everything posted by Thyraznew

  1. Name-Diebabydie Realm-xFun What happend-Dominate Mind hack Proof- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvVN2NVsUoc&feature=youtu.be at 1:00 pay attention on my target and you will see.
  2. Hmm my bad than, close the thread
  3. Name - Peess Realm - Not sure i think x100 Reason - Obviously not even trying to play, no one will join 1v1 at starter gear from pandaria if he dont wanna give free rating to others. Proof - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCCpmzC08lo&feature=youtu.be
  4. Did i asked for answer? :D
  5. I can't understand why all the raid like naxxramas,molteen core and much more i'm trying to farm tier 7 warrior set for 2 weeks now... so frustrating Zeox do something about that please, after all its fun real in private server people should be able to do instances easier atleast tbc,lich king instances and raids.
  6. bump $$$
  7. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=219890 his warrior already got banned now his dudu :D :D :D :D this dude is hilarious
  8. Want to sell full pvp/pve warrior on site - Dffkratos Have full pvp,pve set and non set gear, got 2 prideful axes 1 sword,also got 2 1hand swords for fury.Amazing transmog, got 3 donated mounts - Spectral Tiger,Magic Rooster(the chicken), and spawn of garkaras or something similar, a red dragon. Price is 735+tax, ally side human male.
  9. 1.Name - Rollexpowa 2.Realm - xFun 3.Description - Using teleport to corpse to revive faster on gurubashi. :confused::confused: 4.Proof - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKoFWRGI_3M&feature=youtu.be
  10. There is option change race in site that costs 150 donate points, if i buy it can i change my character from human to orc? Because zeox said faction change will be lowered from 200 to 150 but there is faction change option for 200 and im not sure what to do, i want my character to be orc not human but i dont have 200 bonuses just 159.
  11. 1. Name of the user- pineapplepen 2. Link of his profile- http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=74624 3. Paragraph of the forum rules which has been broken by the user - 2.1. 4. Link on the message with violation - http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=219658&p=1314699&viewfull=1#post1314699
  12. Ye just wanted to know. ^^
  13. Im playing in pwow since 2014, and i never seen something free here i mean, some item events or just like 100 bonsues for christmas why don't you give something free for loyal players atleast because i gave like 100$ in this server and im enjoying it but something free will be nice too. :o:o
  14. 1.Name-Felxprod 2.Realm-xFun 3.Reason of report-calling me nigger. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gD1mCjAT3Uk&feature=youtu.be
  15. Even if got declined you flame all the time i will report you properly next time. :)
  16. Name - Felxprod Realm - xFun Reason of report - Insulting me and being racist. Proof : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnZ3ilbfUgM&feature=youtu.be
  17. WTS Warlock human/female full pvp with awesome transmogs: Gear - http://imgur.com/a/VGo2c 1 Transmog - http://imgur.com/a/mKgHy 2 Transmog - http://imgur.com/a/NYWpM 3 Transmog - http://imgur.com/a/woRV0 4 Transmog - http://imgur.com/a/hNpq7 PvP Tab - http://imgur.com/a/UNRSy Reputations Tab - http://imgur.com/a/DhNVF More special title - Assistant Proffesor,Private,Firelord,Justicar,Jenkins,[name] The Insane I Don't expect big price because i don't have pve, so don't blame.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xMbRCtv310 He bugged under the arena or he teleported under the arena not so sure just wanted to share with you.
  19. 1.Name - Fockyou 2.Realm - xFun 3.Proof(video) - 4.Something to say - Obviously he is tphacking/flyhacking i hope he will get banned. Note: The video is recorded by emnax because i have low pc.
  20. . bump
  21. 1.Name of the violator-Knifeinfaceq Realm, where you saw the violation-Fun Description of the violation-I simply killed him on gurubashi and i was joking with him asking him (u mad?) then he started insulting me, pathetic. Proof: http://imgur.com/a/XmPoF Comments to the situation (if it's needed).
  22. bump :p:
  23. 1. Character: Elluciferx Panel Account: thyraznew 2. Realm: PandaWowFUN 3. Current Email: dskdslkal@mail.bg or something similar. 4. New Email: bgpsycho3@mail.bg 5. Ip: 95.43.2**.2*5 6. So i created this account 2015/03/31, and i created it on my email - dsalkslkal@mail.bg or something like that, this email is not even real i used it because wanted to register faster and was lazy to make a new email.And now one guy have my password and i wanna change it so please help me i don't want to lose my characters/bonuses. 7. Proof the account is mine: 1st character - Revengebich, undead priest male Location of sms sent for bonuses - Bulgaria, Sofia Mtel And now some pictures: http://imgur.com/a/qdziE
  24. I told everyone what emnac doing to get bonuses, and he was mad about that, so he started harrasing me. I want to report this toxic guy, theres a screenshot: [ATTACH=CONFIG]126154[/ATTACH]
  25. im fking done, fk you pandawow im gonna just delete the client no one help
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