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Everything posted by Iwannadance

  1. 70-80k dmg without procs from icelance, 150k with proc. mage can oneshot you in deepfreeze just spamming ice lance. not even close to top in pandawow. :crab: double warriors, wls, lsd2, wms, mls that's all.
  2. Может ты не те кнопочки нажимаешь? Спроси у репитча, он дамажит как войны. Учитывая что войны сидят и долбят цель, а он постоянно шкерится.
  3. Iwannadance


    I hate when MMR much more then rating... lose to much points per lose and don't get enough points per win. for example -25 per lose and only 2 points from 2k team and 5 points from 2.3-2.4k team, if enemy under 2k just 1 point per win EPIC! for example u're playing 8 wins 2 loses -25-25+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2 so u will lose 34 points of rating. for example u're playing 1 week with 80% winratio (i think it's ok winratio for 3v3) so u will lose 238 points like me. so now i know why this forum "gladiators" dodging after 1st lose... but who cares about rating at private server , srsly? for example u lose 2 times and then easy win vs same team so they will dodging you or logging to twinks (pionisus everytime doing this with his dogs. just dodging or log to twink character after 1st lose). so i think need to change his rank from gladiator to Pig Dodger and for others guys who do same.
  4. also in 2v2 nice comps: Balance Druid + Frost Mage / Affliction Warlock Rogue + Mage / Hunter / Retri / Shadow Priest Restor Druid + Frost Mage also in 3v3 nice comps: turbocleave: enh :shaman: + arms :warrior: + restor :druid: junglecleave: feral :druid: + mm :hunter: + restor :shaman: phs: restor :shaman: + retri :paladin: + mm :hunter: tsg: arms :warrior: + unholy :deathknight: + restor :shaman: wmd / wms: arms :warrior: + frost :mage: + restor :druid: / restor :shaman: shatter: frost :mage: + shadow :priest: + restor :shaman: / restor :druid: thunder: elem :shaman: + arms :warrior: + mw :monk: in pandawow kfc not op like at retail (because here much better Double Warrior + Rsham / WLS). Just when i meet WLS or Double Warrior i feel the pain. It's like half server or more already playing as warrior. 1)I hope they fix damage from Warlock / Warrior. 2)I hope they will fix fear (because its epic when u can get fear 3 times and just die in fear because dot's don't ruin fear. or u can get high burst from warrior while staying in fear. sometimes u can not even trinket fear) 3)I hope they will fix bugs for Mage (too much damage in deepfreezy). U can lost half hp in RoF and will staying in RoF anyway. Ice lance do too much damage. You staying in poly while getting damage from mage ORB. so after this fix ^^ ladder will changing http://i73.fastpic.ru/big/2016/0114/e2/299c5de6054a7c4a0b629190a76850e2.png http://i74.fastpic.ru/big/2016/0114/bf/fa18daaa3c01b64c79d7f113c0a285bf.png http://i75.fastpic.ru/big/2016/0114/7d/70a437ec31260851f01024e46e34007d.png http://i75.fastpic.ru/big/2016/0114/41/5497e65bb802b7ae41eb6b89138c1b41.png
  5. Iwannadance

    Hunter bug

    yesterday this is already fixed. wait when accept for our server. at circle already fixed. have fun. i hope that fix don't make another bugs. and we still hope that next fix will nerf affli warlock and warriors :)
  6. Iwannadance


    dont see reason to ddos me. :crab: it's strange if u will be happy when u ddos someone.
  7. бан на 3дня за этот абуз. потом зарепортите ещё через 3 дня за абуз трапы. пусть тратит бонусы как мальчишка, ы.
  8. Iwannadance


    facepalm. even if using tor+5 proxy+2 vpn+smth else easy to detect ur pc by police + provider.
  9. просто ботом фармить хонор + время для продажи (7 дней). затем продаем получает бонусы. просто открываешь 20 окон и погнало. на офе ботом ресурсы фармили, тут фармят время в игре и хонор ы.
  10. Iwannadance


    i hope u know that ddos not allowed in many countries. u can be punished by jail.
  11. при чём здесь бм и сурв? этот пет приручается в любом спеке.
  12. its ok. rank1 in 2v2 3500 rating rank1 in 3v3 3000 rating rank1 in 5v5 2500 rating rbg 2200
  13. Iwannadance


    if u blame my gameplay so at least write what i did wrong :crab:
  14. Iwannadance


    why? :crab: - - - Добавлено - - - RoF? Deepfreeze? Bash? Stun from poison? Kidney?
  15. Iwannadance


    16 seconds stun + damage in RoF. are u srsly ? oh okay 1-3 u won. but in next time u will die :P and why this druid healing so much :D my dmg is ok while u're sit on me 24/7 and upload replay of this games please. i wanna see what's going wrong.
  16. Iwannadance


    and? i have 28 characters. so? i can play as everyone.
  17. Iwannadance


    Double Warrior = WLS same skill , don't req brain. I just post this to show how to easy to play this comps. Idk why pionisus still think that WLS req skill...It's rly easy comp atm. So many bugs, crazy dmg, crazy aoe, too much cc, someone in fear always. I undestand why everyone playing tihs comp, because in another comp they will stay in low rating. But if u're playing WLS or another easy comp it does not make you skilled player.
  18. will be better if our server allowed leave command :mocking: so if u press leave arena nothing happend... only ALT+F4 or wait until arena end :/
  19. нафига? все равно монитор не покажет выше 120 фпс (если у тебя норм монитор), а обычный дак вообще 60 фпс только покажет в лучшем случае, а то и 57. толку от этих 200-300 фпс то? или ты хочешь 500? лел. даже 1 gtx 980ti достаточно для пандашоша, не говоря уже что в компьютере их должно быть 2.
  20. Iwannadance


    http://i75.fastpic.ru/big/2016/0109/69/260707c9670067a8d908cbb5a2950d69.jpg ok
  21. Iwannadance


    20 times for 1? nope, it's 50/50... i have 14 wins 15 losses in this week :crab: -300rating -22-30 points per lose, love this server and +1+5 points per win
  22. warlock from wls berlin+pionisus+doomcryer
  23. Iwannadance


    Pack of screenshots part 3 [spoiler=Click here] http://i66.fastpic.ru/big/2016/0110/14/eabd289d94d70573a3b790ca6a2d6b14.jpg http://i75.fastpic.ru/big/2016/0110/33/062a131f32d53f6c36b6ee900c3dda33.jpg http://i75.fastpic.ru/big/2016/0110/cd/df255445ab80e37686b164047408bdcd.jpg http://i75.fastpic.ru/big/2016/0110/a9/cfe5d0023e2ad3a6b3719b692112e9a9.jpg http://i75.fastpic.ru/big/2016/0110/f4/30db395a395f188534e305ca34c7c4f4.jpg http://i75.fastpic.ru/big/2016/0110/bb/acb4776b9c9e14a03026705b6c659fbb.jpg http://i76.fastpic.ru/big/2016/0110/d3/a2fce4218b1a4a7ebd058a41ad5e33d3.jpg http://i75.fastpic.ru/big/2016/0110/d5/793317b5f27ad9e3e3615cf38c7483d5.jpg http://i74.fastpic.ru/big/2016/0110/c2/584b2e39ddb5d3f1c99ee939a066dac2.jpg http://i66.fastpic.ru/big/2016/0110/12/8c5a12669a6ddfdf38203bf0acb4dd12.jpg
  24. Iwannadance


    Pack of screenshots part 3 [spoiler=Click here] http://i66.fastpic.ru/big/2016/0110/14/eabd289d94d70573a3b790ca6a2d6b14.jpg http://i75.fastpic.ru/big/2016/0110/33/062a131f32d53f6c36b6ee900c3dda33.jpg http://i75.fastpic.ru/big/2016/0110/cd/df255445ab80e37686b164047408bdcd.jpg http://i75.fastpic.ru/big/2016/0110/a9/cfe5d0023e2ad3a6b3719b692112e9a9.jpg http://i75.fastpic.ru/big/2016/0110/f4/30db395a395f188534e305ca34c7c4f4.jpg http://i75.fastpic.ru/big/2016/0110/bb/acb4776b9c9e14a03026705b6c659fbb.jpg http://i76.fastpic.ru/big/2016/0110/d3/a2fce4218b1a4a7ebd058a41ad5e33d3.jpg http://i75.fastpic.ru/big/2016/0110/d5/793317b5f27ad9e3e3615cf38c7483d5.jpg http://i74.fastpic.ru/big/2016/0110/c2/584b2e39ddb5d3f1c99ee939a066dac2.jpg http://i66.fastpic.ru/big/2016/0110/12/8c5a12669a6ddfdf38203bf0acb4dd12.jpg
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