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Everything posted by Autschbatsch

  1. As administration should be already aware off there is another server where a lot of people queue daily and I am not trying to advertise for it.... The server is only getting some donations for transmog or other cosmetics and is free insta 550gear. The server is clearly inferior scripted and lacking a lot what PandaWoW has to offer. However noone of these people that throw around some dollars for a spectral tiger or other stuff will consider PandaWoW because of the entry barrier to buy a character is "way" too high to buy "the cat in the bag". It would be a spark of hope and good business if you can get people to paly here. People would play an instant s12 server too I guess.
  2. I am not here for your opinion and facts about retail stuff. When you even edit your own post at least read my statement properly.
  3. Hello dear Administration As the title already says I was wondering if there are any plans to lure people onto Pandawow since blizzard will very likely announce Mist of Pandaria Classic rather soon! Pandawow is and will remain my personal choice but I'd like Pandawow to keep the crown once people will be looking for a private server. Maybe some discounts or limited access to prideful characters? Ausserdem nimmt mich wunder ob es Buka gut geht und in welchem Land Sie aktuell lebt
  4. It's a shame that it isn't back to the good old days where it wasn't limited.
  5. For me, as a player that logged in about 5 times over the course of the last 2-3 years all I can say is that I noticed that Arena and BG activity is at an all time low regardless of what time I checked... mostly on weekend days at noon. I know there are other servers out there that occupy some of the MoP playerbase but I still wonder why it's so dead that you can't even Q for 2v2.
  6. Hello everyone, long time no see :bye: I know only 2% of pwows playerbase is using forums so this will be read by some weird mods that only do PvE (no offense) and most likely don't have a grasp on how it really is and why. But what has been going on since the pandemic on the servers? Are there other reasons than people just jumping on the hype train on the next "fresh"? It's a little bit of a surprise to me that pwow is as dead as it is and I don't see how there would be a better alternative for people that don't wanna grind and just PvP.
  7. By the love of god fix this. Please. https://gyazo.com/3512760ee579f0e6b6d837b0a70c10f9 Can't mog items of orange quality for some reason. Make transmog great again.
  8. Hi, still lots of premium mog unused because of this.
  9. So whats wrong with Typhoon or Thunderstorm?
  10. Autschbatsch


  11. *Cough*. Not that I am active but hey.
  12. Can mog shields but not weapons - Makes no sense. Fix this.
  13. Is this still bugged? - - - Updated - - - You can mog shields in offhand (as warlock) but not weapons. Please fix this.
  14. I approve! - - - Updated - - - Premium transmog should have the same features as Cheat Engine transmogging! Please do this! Many people same as myself have invested a lot of bonuses into mog that can't be used right now due it's limitations! :)
  15. Suffer from your own stupidity being a world pvper in this expansion.
  16. That's me
  17. Won't attend if they don't fix premium transmog. :)
  18. Hey, is transmog still broken? I used to have CASTER offhand mogged into weapons. I bought a shitton of STORE weapons to mog my offhands. But since the premium transmog I could not do it anymore. Any fix anytime soon? Cheers
  19. https://clips.twitch.tv/PleasantBrainySoybeanImGlitch Literally made Repitch quit! Also fix premium transmog so you can mog weapons again or I want a refund for 4000~ GC.
  20. Yea, open world PvP is so fucking bad in MoP. Would be so much more balanced and active if it would downscale but inb4 all guru retards complaining about not being able to play 3min oneshot shit.
  21. https://clips.twitch.tv/IncredulousGiantBeanPraiseIt
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