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Everything posted by Autschbatsch

  1. Well I got more than 6 banned so far I think. And I won't stop pruning scum of the earth.
  2. x100 https://img.youtube.com/vi/Omzl3cZ241Q/mqdefault.jpg Yo Zeox earn some extra cash not unbanning all PQR warriors this christmas as a gift to me. And bann this one. I got more cash for you.
  3. Added some clips displaying how bugged charge is atm. It's such a joke that this is still not fixed due all respect to the devs. It's a joke. Obviously this is not just a 2line script to fix, it's hard. But come on, I don't have to mention what useless bugs are getting fixed whilst this is still in the game.
  4. Charge seems worse than last update. See in warrior section..
  5. Well then I'd not play until retail 5.4 most likely right?
  6. Already reported like another 5 warriors for it, can check my profile if you doubt my XP/word lol. I could have gotten more proof but I could not snipe him and then server crashed :D ..
  7. 1 смоленска http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-2450697.html 2 x100 3 Using PQR 4 https://clips.twitch.tv/QuaintHilariousBobaAliens https://clips.twitch.tv/VainCharmingAxeHassaanChop This was all in the same game. I could have gotten another 5 clips if I would have played with a healer
  8. You SOMEHOW managed to bug Havoc, congratulations! How the F do you manage to do all this without touching spells?
  9. I'll start * Shapeshifting: https://clips.twitch.tv/LachrymoseGrotesqueEagleOSfrog Pay attention to my bear form below Gladius * Pet despawning Obviously all pets are bugged as hell and despawn after roughly 40s Seems to be working now * Deserter Idk how and why but this is bugged as warrior again, getting the buff whilst leaving when getting hit Haven't found what makes it bug yet *Havoc Randomly not getting applied to targets or work
  10. 1. Unbound Will 108482 2. Can be activated while casting 3. Should not be able to cast it while casting 4. 18 December 2017 5. Fun&Cross 6. Priority: 3/10
  11. Could you fix this instead of a PvE aoe slow?
  12. I can upload the whole video if you like.
  13. 1 http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-4692516.html Mayhemx 2 xFun 3 Using PQR 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYI_Mjlc26s&feature=youtu.be This was all in the same game. I could have gotten another 3 gifs if needed but you should know by now that I am 100% certain about PQR.
  14. Spell: http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=108921 Psyfiend [spoiler=Issues:]1 It does not stop it's cast on a target that used http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=58984/shadowmeld 2 Psyfiend Sometimes starts to cast fear on targets that are not even in line of sight yet 3 Placeholder 4 Placeholder [spoiler=how it should be:]1 Psyfiend should stop casting when the target uses Shadowmeld 2 Should only be able to start casts on targets that were in line of sight of it 3 Placeholder 4 Placeholder [spoiler=Proof:] 1 2 3 4 4. 13 Dezember 2017 5. Fun 6. Priority: 3/10 ( Thread not finished yet, got killed by some retard ) There are more bugs which I haven't been able to track/see yet. Feel free to add any information to this thread. I actually rely on it.
  15. If you need more proof feel free to complain. Scrubs
  16. 1. Ring of Peace 116844 2. Can trigger it's AoE silence on targets that are immune towards Ring of Peace 3. Should not trigger it's effect on targets in cyclone 4. 11 Dezember 2017 5. Fun&Cross 6. Priority: 1/10 Happens really rarely and I don't want RoP to be bugged again and breaking 3other things again
  17. 1. Charge&Intervene 100&3411 2. Charge can be applied on targets that have a longer PATH to the target than 25yards 3. Charge should not be able to be applied to targets where the PATH to reach it is longer than 25yards 4. 11 Dezember 2017 5. Fun&Cross 6. Priority: 10/10 Lets continue with fixing actual bugs shall we? Charge has been utterly broken and overpowered since serverrelease, and I haven't heard of another MoP server that has this issue.... Tested on cross 1v1, currently doing more testing, blades edge works fine. Had another bug with it which I try to reproduce. There you go: I fucking slamed the shit out of my keyboard when I got killed like this after I knocked a warrior over ledge at 30% hp. the range mid-air should equal to the range of the bottom lvl of the jump + line of sight of it More clips which displays how broken this spell is https://clips.twitch.tv/TenderAliveCoffeeTinyFace https://clips.twitch.tv/BashfulGloriousDonkeyNotLikeThis https://clips.twitch.tv/CovertRelievedSrirachaAsianGlow https://clips.twitch.tv/WonderfulEnchantingOxCurseLit
  18. Bump, can't see stealthed targets even in their hitbox .......
  19. 1. http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=51485 2. It roots every tick 3. It should only root when put down 4. 7 Dez 2017 5. Fun&Cross 6. 7/10
  20. Bump :( I cry every day already don't make it worse
  21. Yea, there is no way it was 10yards, which is the case on pandawow. has to be an additional meele range around the charged target most likely.
  22. 1. Starfall 48505 2. Does DMG whilst in CC 3. Should not do DMG while under effect of Crowd-Control 4. 5 Dezember 2017 5. Fun&Cross 6. Priority: 10/10, makes any boomy in opener overpowered as fuck, read tooltip, database don't lie, fake report got applied from russian section Kappa
  23. Btw make some threads in russian section with english list
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