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Everything posted by Autschbatsch

  1. Clearly Oneshotx, his reflects are the best.
  2. Zanked, Noneed There are 1-2 ones that don't play
  3. Competent Rshamans: Zanked - by far the best in every aspect Dion - He could be really good but he has lags 90% of his games Kappa Idk russian shamans besides Chobo Venzy
  4. Competent Mages Frost: Pewds aka the real Deepoxy/Qwanya in 2016 Fire: Baz Arcane: Claimy
  5. How do you even do this without a report about any related spells? Can someone confirm if there was a fail report in russian section? lol.............
  6. 1. http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=47788 2. It does not trigger off: Warrior mastery, elemental shaman mastery, ret seal, rog poison -> so lots of procs 3. Should procc of all sources of DMG 4. 2 Dezember 2017 5. Fun&Cross 6. Priority: 3/10 no bias Keepo There are more spells that can ignore it I think
  7. https://clips.twitch.tv/ChillyOddEggnogTBTacoLeft Lets see what the next change to pathing does.
  8. Na playerbase is legitimate low for some reason. You can barely play 3s solo q atm.
  9. Lmao he even haunted in the process
  10. It is mindblowing to me, that noone gives a shit about this. This has been bugged for ages and it's 10/10. Holy .... Correct me if I am wrong but only Zeox can work on it right?
  11. Yea idk it's sad regardless. I don't mind keeping class stacking considering that 80% of pwow "mains" *cough* warrior. Besides the fact that it will be just war-x-x class stacking is really bad however. It has to display healer/dps ratio elsewise it won't help at all.
  12. Things I'd like to be done to SoloQ 3v3: 1. Promote SoloQ 3v3 with server announcement every 5min and make it known how to Q up for it ( BG announcement is useless, just exchange it ) Maybe mention when there are the most Q's for it, like 4-11 Pm Server-Time idk. 2. Keep item lvl requirement 525+ https://i.gyazo.com/4a016a1bbe97523c86f95c3005d0cf87.png 3. Show how many DPS/Healers are in que when you register so you know what to log on if there is something lacking 4. Disable class stacking FOR DPS 5. Add 3v3 solo Q rating for the enchant vendor. The one where you can get special appearance... 6. Keep up the good changes :)
  13. How about fixing this for a change? Is it that hard to do or wtf is the problem here?
  14. 1. Unbound Will 108482 2. Does not get you out of Hex51514 3. Unbound Will should remove all crowd control effects regardless of it's type 4. 19 November 2017 5. Fun&Cross 6. Priority: 10/10
  15. I just checked, iLvL requirement seems to be 530. Seems good to me.
  16. Agreed. The BG announcements are totally useless. Better rewrite them into promoting new features like solo q 1v1 and 3v3. - - - Updated - - -
  17. Exactely, this needs to be done. I Q it, get 400k hp teammate after 10-20min Q. Why would you bother to Q if you get undergeared people.... sad.
  18. 1. 56244 Glyph of Fear 2. It makes fear bug the F out, making the target instantly teleport 20 and when the duration ends/fear breaks the target teleports back to the original position 3. Fear with the glyph should act like http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=5246/intimidating-shout first target 4. 11 November 2017 5. Fun&Cross 6. Priority: 6/10 It acts like old fear-pathing kind of, making you unable to know where the target is durint the time of fear.... It teleports way more than this when the target moves when getting feared etc... test yourself
  19. I yet have to see proof for that yet. - - - Updated - - - And psyfiend got patched, a lot, on retail. I think the delay was decreased on 5.3/4.... Psyfiend has 1 bug atm that is 100% a bug, it starts casting fears on targets that are not within line of sight so you can get feared when not even being in line with it longer than 0.5s
  20. Onesided = Fun http://schoolofthinking.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Emoji_Icon_-_Thinking_grande.png Yea having some random retards messing up my fear DR's is a lot of fun mate.
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