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Everything posted by Autschbatsch
Я пишу это с помощью «Google Translate». Я делаю нить здесь, потому что, по моему мнению, очень важно сделать Solo Q 3v3 приоритетом. Когда это было впервые реализовано, на мой взгляд, это был успех. Теперь с момента слияния очередей это просто МЕРТВ. Я сделал ветку в разделе на английском, но никто не пользуется форумами и не заботится, если честно, это довольно печально. Solo Q, безусловно, снова должен стать его собственным брекетом. Если так будет и дальше, я не вижу надежды на Pandawow как сообщество PvP. Поэтому, пожалуйста, будьте активны. Благодарю. Я держал это коротким, потому что перевод будет плохим, но вы должны понять. Для получения дополнительной информации, пожалуйста, посетите: https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=239498
This doesn't happen with all spells for some reason. Could reproduce on pallly but not on lock.
1. Mounts 2. [spoiler=Issues:] 1 Benefit from haste if it is a "magic" casted mount 3. [spoiler=How it should be:] 1 Should not be affected by haste [spoiler=Proof:] 1 Pandawow: Retail: 4. 15 January 2018 5. xFun 6. 2/10 idk isn't a bigdeal
1. 6544 + 100/114029 2. [spoiler=Issues:] 1 Heroic Leap can be used before charge animation ends 3. [spoiler=How it should be:] 1 Should only be usable after charge finished [spoiler=Proof:] 1 Pandawow: https://i.gyazo.com/a57f3aa5079dde18834dafa5fb5e5278.gif https://i.gyazo.com/54a0e08ad927ee4c637523f03bd64f1d.gif Retail: 4. 15 January 2018 5. xFun 6. 3/10 idk
Seems to be fixed. Still can't test on cross.. Moved.
Fixed and tested. - - - Updated - - - Correction: It deals dmg trough LoS: Needs review https://i.gyazo.com/15315c6b8b466152b77a4a0a761ad8fe.gif
Seems to be fixed. Haven't tested on cross. Moved.
Fixed and tested. https://i.gyazo.com/e42df4680c97801c66bba9006513a58f.gif
Hello hello where do we slide?
What does this mean?
1. Mounts+Pets 2. [spoiler=Issues:] 1 If you die on your mount whilst a pet is active you won't get a "release spirit" window cause your pet is still alive 3. [spoiler=How it should be:] 1 Pet should dissapear and "release spirit" window should appear [spoiler=Proof:] 1 Pandawow: Retail: 4. 8 January 2018 5. xFun 6. 1/10 noone cares, is fixed with /reload *update, it doesn't sometimes so more like 4/10 having to login newly
Wdym unrated, it is rated. Look at other servers. They got huge solo Q ladders. I want to play 3s, when I want to. Rated 3s is just not how it should be. Mostly when I tried to play there are no people playing (like 7pm-10pm CeT). Solo Q at least would allow me to play the game without having to deal with all the cancer kids provide by having no life and queuing at 2-4am. Jesus Christ is with me. I feel really good. :)
Just tried to play solo Q. Queued into LSD2 premade 3x in a row and almost felt like insulting whoever thought that was a decent idea to make this become the reality we live in. Thank you so much for ruining a feature that was developed. What a waste.
Fix needs review. Can happen still. (Could not test on cross) https://i.gyazo.com/b5e5a678424bf38e6a41ad298ba28c0c.gif https://i.gyazo.com/754c3996d3cc4eb56df0711a1a750b76.gif Using Intervene/Charge before it for example. (gotta be quick like you'd do when chasing gateway)
We start at 9pm GMT+7 (Eeastern Russia) ->which means it would be 3pm in central europe and 9am in eastcoast US. If we would create a 12h window that would mean it ends at 9am GMT+7, 3am central europe and 9pm east coast US. This would narrow the window by half and still allow a lot of people to play easily whilst allowing more people to EXPECT queues no matter where you are from.
I strongly disagree. I played before the merge, it was really active. There were 3 active games at the same time. Solo Q isn't played by anyone intending to cap, it's more like desperation for 3s at this point. Why not? Well, the very most are from EU timezones. Some US, some RU. I'll give you an accurate representation of my window. I agree that some people do snipe and dodge, however creating a window will create the scenario LIKE ON RETAIL that there are MULTIPLE teams playing. That way you can't snipe or dodge as easily. For example a Enh sham that only snipes Mage teams *cough, would be forced to play if there is another high rated team queuing for example. They can't do it later on cause it won't be possible to queue at 3am anymore. Most people that don't like my idea that took the time to think about it know that it is for the better than worse to try this.
10/10 casual bumb
• Nickname of the violator: Imnotpewpew &Ambushjk&Sweptelemqt • Realm where you saw the violation: xFun • Description of the violation: Queueing between 3am-8aminto his friends to gain rating, arranged games to win-trade • Proofs: Game ID's are: 232757-232761-232766-232772-232788-232793-232805 So a lot of people i know are playing and trying to get rating in 3s. Even his own teammates tried to queue rated 3v3 that day, all evening. I personally was up til 3:20 that day and shorly before bed there were 0dps 0 healers in q. The next morning he climbed over 30rating by facing a couple of solo Q teams and 6x a a premade team. Some people I know told me they are friends. I am pretty sure that most of them are french(good friends not racist....). Another reason it is obvious to me is because this guy literally never dared to q besides when he is playing with the best ele and affli on the server. His own teammates are also convinced that he was wintrading, lol. This is prime example why I had this idea aswell https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=239498