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Everything posted by Autschbatsch

  1. http://i.imgur.com/YTar9.jpg They are back in business boys, shady stuff after returning asap.
  2. This is not an intentional bumb, it's proof which I didn't have previously. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/249/829/562.jpg
  3. Told you. But there has to be said that if you use it close to ring it would trigger as well, like with a regular jump. You need a higher amount than regular height for it to skip RoF.
  4. It doesn't matter what cast it is to make it cancel. - - - Updated - - - Also keep in mind that this is on CROSS ( frost nova ) I will try to test it on cross with druid root and frost nova again..
  5. http://www.arenajunkies.com/topic/178978-ring-of-frost-very-nice/page-6 No proof but just a taste. I would actually L O V E that I am wrong here obviously.
  6. Just saying jump effects can get into it without triggering. 100% sure of this at least in the Cata RoF. Goblin-Racial in my case.
  7. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=200816&page=2
  8. Disabled it doesn't trigger gate for me with left click :>
  9. 2 Hellfire bugs basically. Herro
  10. If this got recorded today it's obvious. *added mine But yea, this bug is still not of any importance even from an afflic perspective. 3/10, lots of other crucial bugs. Draining is not used much either in 3v3.
  11. It's relevant towards the actual server instead of random BS without context spaming 2threads a day.
  12. I feel like pujo doing this, but how has this not been posted here yet lol :D
  13. "Hello my fellow warlock , could u please re-report { i think u allready did once } interaction with Immolation Aura in metamorphosis { the thingy when u leave that should STOP immolation aura } and that leads to bug when that happen it will "block" your usage of Immolation aura in normal { warlock } form. if you need any help feel free to ask for , this bug is so annoying." It's hard to understand what was meant but maybe was it this?
  14. 1. Immolation Aura Spell ID: 104025 2. Immolation Aura does not fade when leaving Metamorphosis 3. Immolation Aura should fade when leaving Metamorphosis 4. 17.2.2017 5. 4/10 Makes the demo able to stack http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=87481/hellfire#changelog +Immolation Aura 6. I got requested to report this and my dear demo friend is not answering if this is how it was on retail. As I said already in previous posts, I haven't touched demo in 5.0 - 5.4.8 retail proof
  15. Y o g a P a n t s http://cimg.tvgcdn.net/i/2015/02/23/d0b2bc23-7a61-4221-a054-6f13ba94cfaf/4824ad9055309d3ec1856b59bfa148dd/19-chris-pratt-andy-surprise-face.jpg
  16. What's wrong: All root effects in PvP Issue: Whenever you are casting a spell when under the effect of a root effect it will cancel your cast when the root debuff fades What should happen: Roots should not affect casting in any way Realm: Cross/Fun Priority: 10/10 affects all casters I noticed this time and time again in arena and now found out that it seems to bug out for all roots Thanks to myself and my babe peos which helped me
  17. Same outcome with no pet. If you got anything else what could be bugged let me know. ( no troll )
  18. Big talk big talk. :appl: I bet busy men like trumph are also visiting pwow forums. No offense but If you have the time to write here you have the time to report it.
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