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Everything posted by Autschbatsch

  1. Holy shit relax folks jeez..... I don't know how many people have even access to fix this issue and those people have a life aswell. Will not kill you to not be able to play for 1evening. Cross is not DCing as much since they switched servers aswell....
  2. Source: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=196781 :appl:
  3. That's not the point. I don't care if he cares.
  4. Nunja alle finden provokatives vlt ned so cool :P
  5. So will I get a simple answer to my thread at least or do I have to make more threads just to get your attention? At least have the decency to tell me why you close the thread. There were no rules broken. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=196343 = the following
  6. I have come a little further with my research and experimental work; The fellhunter "Spell Lock" bugs out if you try to use it while the pet has 0 energy, that means it will not work AT ALL if you press "Spell Lock" ONCE when it haD 0 energy and you try to spam it and get it out when it WOULD have 20 or 40 energy. It takes the fellhunter about 2seconds to regenerate 20energy. I am not even sure if THAT is retail-like that it goes to 0 but that's a different story. I can't make the gif longer so you can see that it does not trigger at all after. * I never ever in my LIFE had issues to get a Spell Lock off on retail that's why I am a little upset about this.
  7. Btw copy those gifs to your starting post. I feel like NOONE that would be relevant ever visiting any report would go to further pages ( I don't wan't to go further cause I would get unfriendly towards them RN) :)
  8. Mit Namen meinte ich eig auch Gildennamen ^^ Hab noch keine Idee.
  9. You are either wintrading yourself or not really bright.
  10. Boys, I need your help to keep up with the progress those amazing players are making on the ladder. Keep posting :)
  11. There never ever was such a thing as "balance" in any season. There were just seasons with more variety and with less variety in combs which could compete against top tiers. And 2s always had less room for skill to beat those top tier combs cause you have less amount of variables (than 3s/5s) allowing lower tier-combs to win/outplay. Therefore I was trying to say that 2s pretty much always was a "joke" in regards for titels. edit* haven't played here for too long but i've heard that PvE gear was pretty balanced :) I never tryharded 2s after they removed title reward from it in S6 so I will now leave this topic since I can't speak from great XP on this. :bye: Stay classy.
  12. Sorry, not here implying anything about skill. Just speaking about balance discussion. It's a completely pointless discussion in the first place. I love you all :heart: @thread #justthepandawowthings
  13. /W me mal einfach ingame vlt kommt uns ein Name der zieht :P
  14. This thread seemed boring as hell, he will get banned eventually anyway. But where is this screenshot from? I am curious. http://i7.5cm.ru/i/XAwh.png
  15. Someone told me my boy Luccixd was making some progress! Im proud of you son! another 65 games without breaking a sweat! In just 2days! How does he do it?
  16. Backdraft is kinda weak overall since it can get stolen/purged with 1 global aswell :/ Edit* Move this to fixed section - it's fixed
  17. Moin Jungs und Mädels. Wie der Titel schon sagt hab ich im Sinne eine deutschsprachige Gilde zu gründen bzw gründen zu lassen. Ich spiele schon länger hier und bin verwunderlicherweise noch nicht auf allzuviele gestossen. Vor allem für neue Spieler auf dem Servers kann eine Gilde durchaus hilfreich sein, hoffe der Server wird guten Nachwuchs bekommen wenn alle aufhören mit Legion. Gilde wird Allianz sein da Horde zu tot ist^^ Erwünschenswert wäre noch ein TS falls wer eines hat. LG TS nicht benötigt. Haben Disord.
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