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Everything posted by Jesex

  1. 1.Name of the spell: http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=114014 For some reason that link doesn't register... / http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=108208 2.What is the issue: Whenever you use Shuriken Toss to gain its effect *Auto-attacking from a far for 10 seconds* and afterwards you Vanish,you could continuously auto-attack during STEALTH and it DOES NOT PROC http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=108208 Here's little bit of proof: 1) https://gyazo.com/1c6dfb1110ee4a915440ffc98d360af5 2) https://gyazo.com/2caa16e8cbc07557e444caf616db0101 3.How it should work: It should proc http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=108208 whenever you *Auto-attack* with Shuriken Toss effect in Stealth. 4.Date when tested: 13th of October 2017 5.Realm: x100 6.Priority of the problem: 8/10
  2. Fix needs review The issue is the same.Whenever you use Swiftmend 0.1-0.2 seconds after the Cyclone cast,it eats http://db.pandawow.me?spell=114107
  3. Исправлено и проверенный.
  4. Needs review. http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=110503 - Breaks stealth.
  5. Iron Juggernaut, 443k 10HM Combat; https://prnt.sc/gsd19c (Vahj) Malkorok, 458k 10HM Subtlety; https://prnt.sc/gsd1is (Vahj)
  6. Name of the spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=114049/ascendance [Enhancement Specilization] Whats the issue: While you're under the effects of Air Ascendant(Enhancement Specilization) and you get cc'd afterwards.You continue to auto-attack.Simillar to the Shadow Blades bug. With Monk Paralysis: https://gyazo.com/b6e15f33065de578169c521903ef48ea With Monk Leg Sweep: https://gyazo.com/d1da68d347a5355d47690a55dc5bc558 How it should be: It should not let you auto-attack during a crowd control effect. Date tested: 24th of September 2017 Realm: x100 Priority: 9/10
  7. Doesn't duplicate windfury attacks. Fixed Should proc only 1 time with cooldown. Fixed Also it seems that its duplicating a Stormlash attack. https://gyazo.com/5c2f9c94c2d4f7e91532870d5937ddc3 Still needs some testing with the critical hit.
  8. It says "casting time" for the next ability and from what we know Arcane Intellect has no cast time and acts as a buff. ^^
  9. Name of the spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=129413/mind-numbing-poison Whats the issue: Whenever you apply the Shiv effect from Mind-Numbing Poison to a target,he gets a debuff called Mind Paralysis > "Increases the casting time of an enemy's next spellcast within 8 seconds by 100%." During that time,any instant abilities will remove the effect,such as http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=45525/arcane-intellect or http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=30455/ice-lance etc. An example with Arcane Intellect: https://gyazo.com/39c16706f74c8e6a06d5ebef4d505ac6 How it should be: It should not remove the shiv debuff unless you have used an ability with cast time or simply dispelled during that 8 seconds duration. Date when tested: 23rd of September 2017 Realm: x100 Priority of the problem: 8/10 Only because it makes this Poison hella useless. P.S I can also link every single instant ability which i tested with,if its needed.
  10. Name of the spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=76577/smoke-bomb > http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=107570/storm-bolt Whats the issue: Whenever http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=107570/storm-bolt has been used & the rogue uses Smoke Bomb mid-air.The STUN effect of Storm Bolt gets denied.[ https://gyazo.com/e113f00dbbb152b65d042537a5753422 ] How it should be: Storm Bolt should STUN the target regardless if it uses Smoke Bomb after it or no. Date when tested: 22nd of September 2017 Realm: x100/xfun Priority of the problem: 5-7/10
  11. Leather/Кожа http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=86899/stalkers-cord-of-eternal-autumn Added in the list for the next update.
  12. http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=94154/survivors-bag-of-coins Really cool & unique misc for Rogues.Questline bugged,so no way of getting it legit. Item is not working
  13. 1.Name of the not working spell: Metamorphosis / Dark Apotheosis (Glyph of Demon Hunting) 2.Description of the problem: Whenever you enter Metamorphosis or Dark Apotheosis and summon your pet,it doesn't cost demonic fury. With Metamorphosis: With Dark Apotheosis: 3.How it must work: It should cost 200 demonic fury whenever you summon a pet while being in either Metamorphosis or Dark Apotheosis. 4.Date when you tested it: 22th of August 2017 5.Realm: X100 6.Priority of the problem: 7/10 It gives a slight advantage to the warlock if you don't force him to resummon his pet a second time with cost of demonic fury.
  14. Says undefined,but works.Tnx
  15. [1]. Name of not working spell: http://web.archive.org/web/20140301191039/http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=111397 [2]. Description of the problem: It breaks from normal and crit damage. [3]. How it must work: It should break only from critical damage. Proofs: 1) - It broke from Instant Incinerate from Backlash(Critical) 2) - It broke from Conflagrate(Critical) 3) - It broke from Immolate tick(Critical) 4) - It broke from Conflagrate(Critical) [4]. Date when you tested it: 31th July 2017. [5]. Realm on which you found the bug: x100 [6]. Priority of the problem. 8/10 simply because 3 seconds can mean the difference between life & death,also it is enough for someone to tear out half of your hp. P.S Also i don't know if this should work for Mortal Coil,even though it has the same effect as Blood Horror.
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