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Everything posted by Furmetalisawintrader

  1. edited the report. sent the image to juster fire him, please
  2. have u seen how old this thread is? xD edit: take care dion, hope you'll come back soon to farm rats. :P how to get rating fast: stop queueing for few weeks/months -> wait till ppl get high rating -> snipe them
  3. lmfao im dying irl atm
  4. please dont go off-topic in my thread. i really want to reply to you guys, but lets not get this closed. if you have additional proof, please give it to me so we can get furmetal fired & banned once and for all
  5. this is exactly why you got fired as chat mod...
  6. sad thing is that he's a staff member. he should get fired and banned.
  7. Reported for sharing my IP adress to the community. hopefully you'll get fired as International Technical Support now too rat - - - Updated - - - http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=155033&p=958811#post958811
  8. Who am I reporting: Furmetal - http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=56265 Reason: Sharing my IP adress to rest of the community as a staff member (power abuse much?) Proof: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=155026 edit: going to send the image to juster If you try to edit your report, Furmetal, I'll just post an image with proof
  9. i bet furmetal think i made that guild lmfao... funny thing is i didnt, but i dont mind having him think it was me as i would've probably done something like that i think furmetal is actaully pissed off, but he sadly cant show his anger in public cuz chat mod, hehe. ups i mean International Technical Support* i forgot you got fired, sorry! didnt mean it
  10. rip druids time to rape them xD
  11. http://www.twitch.tv/repitchx live atm for 60-90 min (short stream) :P
  12. which is actaully good cause you have so many dumb flag carriers
  13. nice guide. read some of it and i enjoyed it. +1 :)
  14. wowbeez? xD...
  15. applies for duels & BGs as well. arena is more important though, but just wanted to put it out there. When you duel someone, Battle Fatigue should be put in effect immediately.
  16. he insulted me too yday when i was doing the 1v1 event, haha, was funny
  17. Furmetalisawintrader


  18. no problem, was fun :) thanks for making the event and im hoping to do more :D
  19. i'd love this. hope they'll do it
  20. aren't you using swiftmend glyph so mushroom causes effloresence? if that's the case, its not mushroom that's bugged it's the glyph you cant kill wild mushroom with normal spells/auto attack, so you should add that or its gonna be completely bullshit
  21. like you did :)
  22. wintrader & alt-f4
  23. http://images.sodahead.com/profiles/0/0/3/3/4/0/2/5/9/oh-stop-it-you-86472674106.png
  24. hope no one is offended by my beautiful, well made signature banner. i put a lot of effort into this.
  25. thank you very much. glad you liked it. :)
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