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About Lefap

  • Birthday 08/16/1997

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  1. You have no proof of it. There's proof of you sharing your account. Maybe some1 leaked the information, either way it's your own mistake
  2. "my ip starts with 96" "last IP 78.xxx.xx.xxx" Stop account sharing and you won't get "keylogged"
  3. So you faked screenshots for him? That's so sweet :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
  4. Well can't your "friend" report it by himself :)
  5. Discord message screenshots are the easiest thing to fake ever? here's an example lol There's no actual proof of "hacking" anyone. If he sold his chars that's his own issue. Even if someone did, there's no solid proof that "Dan" did it
  6. • Nickname of the violator: Vpn • Realm where you saw the violation: Fun • Description of the violation: Racist name, telling me to shut the f*ck up and threatening to dox me • Proofs: http://prntscr.com/mzoxij - - - Updated - - - Nevermind guys, I faked this screenshot
  7. You can close this. Found how to fix it by myself.
  8. I can either delete them without claiming them or I can claim them and delete them from my inventory. Either way I get +4 new tabards and +2 new shadowmournes on every relog. Tried both ways
  9. Didn't work. Emptied my mailbox, reloged and they still keep coming (Emptied by redeeming them all and deleting ofcourse). Still same amount, 4 tabards of the lighbringer + 2 shadowmournes
  10. Nicknames of your characters: Lefap Information about your Game Client. Version (5.0.5\5.4.2\5.4.8), where did you get it? (Torrent\ Downloaded with our archive \ Game Client from Battle.net + our archive): 5.4, your client Describe your problem: Everytime I log in my mailbox gets flooded with x2 copies of shadowmourne and 4 copies of tabard of lighbringer. (Few years ago I've donated for extra and I couldn't get them since I already had them in my bags and now they just keep coming my way) Wouldn't mind it but it got my mailbox full and I can't get any more mail Screenshots with problem: https://gyazo.com/57e94823afafe563378d9c17b723da30 Ofcourse best case scenario would be for me to get refund for it because I spent bonuses on them (1.5 years ago) but at least stop them coming my way
  11. Bro almost 2 years passed, pay up wtf
  12. here are the traceroute results + tests done with winMTR (adviced by noneed) Should note that usually cross realm connection is less stable (getting 5-30s lag spikes) than it was doing this test (had 2s at most), even though it was still far from great. The issue doesn't appear playing any other games or different mop servers (even if Im using the same client) Here's a longer description on how the problem looks from my side (as a player) I que up for arena Play 2-3 games with perfectly stable ms Then on my 3rd - 4th game I'll start getting really laggy while I'm lagging I either have delay on what's happening (people standing near the pillar, in my line of sight, on my screen but I'm not able to hit them) OR everything completely freezes for awhile, then speeds up to the present and keeps repeating (as I mentioned 5-30 second lag spikes, that just keep happening until I obviously lose the arena) Once either of these 2 starts happening, I won't be lagging outside arena (most of the time at least) but as soon as the arena game starts it will start again. I've tried: Deleting cache Disabling all the addons Fixing my characters on the site Flushing dns Reinstalling the client Playing with the launcher / playing without the launcher Playing through a different client (warmane) Playing on a different computer (same IP) Playing from a different IP & a different computer (same internet provider) Problem happens on every account I play and has been happening ever since Pandawow moved it's host
  13. ++ stopped playing just because of the lag issue pandawow gives me
  14. Your pve is neither full or upgraded Your bags are mostly filled with trash transmogs None of the mounts you showed are donor, literally every single one is from reputations / dungeons / achievements. There are literally better hunters for 700 + % Nobody will pay you 1.5k for that
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