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Posts posted by Bapss

  1. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=197763


    This report was for Hex, but think it applies similarly here:


    1. Name of not working spell.



    2. Description of the problem.

    Hex is breaking even from just Flame Shock, Bleed, or any single DoT dmg within 2 ticks.


    3.How it must work.

    Hex shouldn't break even if the target has warrior bleeds + flame shock on them. It only breaks from direct damage or from high DoT damage. It should work the same as warlock fear.


    4.Date when you tested it.

    25 September 2016


    5.Realm (x100)



    6.Priority of the problem.

    9/10 should be the next fix imo





    If you take a closer look you can see that hex broke after 2% HP which is clearly bugged.


    - - - Updated - - -


    If you need more tests/proofs let me know. I can do a slow-motion one or whatever. Can test it on cross idaf.

  2. spell: Alter Time & Spellsteal


    Why spell steal?


    Didn't mean to report spellsteal sorry - I just copied the URL from the other report and forgot to remove spellsteal. Thanks for pointing it out.


    i don't understand this bug report :S


    Like Autsch said: Being able to cast or choose to alter back in time while in CC = bug

  3. It's not like 18 different players are getting rank 1. I've seen Aku and Kagu asking people if they want free rank 1 title on their chars because they're bored af. Not defending them because the comp is pretty retarded, but seriously.


    Yeah but the thing is, (that as i already explained in my first post), they only got the rating on all these chars when the Falling Under Map bug existed - because nobody could counter them. If you watch now, they can't even gain rating because they spend 99% of the time dodging lol.

  4. I reported this in the past but I thought they fixed it


    It is fixed. I was saying I sorta wish it wasnt because of other healing classes that don't report their bugs, or still haven't gotten their OP bugs fixed and just abuse all day.


    Sorta wish i never reported this now, with all the bugs on Hpri that aren't fixed. Shit is jokes.
  5. 1. Name of not working spell.



    2. Description of the problem.

    The spell currently does nothing to increase healing.


    3.How it must work.

    It should increase AoE healing and duplicate healing.


    4.Date when you tested it.

    28 September 2016





    6.Priority of the problem.

    10/10 EASILY... 3 min healing cd that just dont work lol

  6. cast while kicked? what lol


    I was referring to when shamans could still drop totems when kicked. But Deielrion don't get me started on the MC bugs lol! If you play Vs a Resto Shaman and he drops healing tide, you can just MC him and heal your whole team to full :mocking: If you don't instantly kick it, you can't break it without stun. You can't tremor your teammates MC. If they get MC low, lightwell don't heal them, nor do your totems ect.


    Overall it's pretty broke atm :p

  7. Lol there are many teams queueing 3s... RMD's, MLD's, WLS, TSG, MLS.. and loads of teams queueing 2s. I just thought if it was mainly resto shaman queueing you would atleast be able to name 3 lol :o


    Like I said:


    In the past few weeks I haven't met a single resto shaman in 2s at high rating or 3s...


    That wasn't the point of the thread anyway, just loling @ the fact Ascendence heals 0 extra :mocking: Good bug :appl:

  8. That moment when your whole team is on 10% and about to fucking die... so you pop Ascendance and NS to heal them back to full health - only to realise Ascendance isn't doing jack shit :appl::o


    The fact that nobody out there has reported this bug for so long, just shows how little people are playing Resto Shamans atm lol..


    Feelsbadman :(


    2)creative cleave: enh :shaman: + arms/fury :warrior: + dc/holy :priest:


    Lol why did Diabloque change his forum name to Oneshotx? He had so many funny quotes :mocking:

  9. "u need proof"


    ill give you f***ing proof. too bad i cant do it with the 10 other wintraders in the ladder.......................


    The stupid thing about this, is do GMs really expect:


    1. there to be someone online 24/7 either spectating or queueing 3s?


    And then


    2. they then also expect that same someone to go to the effort of screenshotting/filming every game lol?


    Most people don't even have recording software ffs..


    GMs need to pull their fingers out their asses and ban the 5 from x100 at least, so it doesn't fuck with other peoples rewards.

  10. If you're going to be a salty scrub like Diabloque here, and if want to troll+accuse me of wintrading, do it on another thread please. GM's already checked logs and said it clearly wasn't, and that I got my rating from farming noobs like Diabloque. Hopefully he will queue up more before the end of the season so me and Funkabizsax can take some more of his rating off of him (but i doubt he will, he'll just sit on forum talking shit).


    you have no credibility diabolique, like 0 people take you seriously


    Nobody respects you on here Diabolique/"Oneshotx"/(Your20OtherAccountNames), go crawl back into your hole - because you can keep changing your name as much as you want, but you'll always be known on here as "Diabloque the Dogshit Wintrader".


    This thread is about Linley, Quinyu, Leylin, Jining, and Drablood. So do not go off topic, and if you want to discuss anyone else wintrading, go to another or create your own thread please.

  11. dude, there are way more than only 5 wintraders...













    aka i would not get glad, i would get r1 xD


    I agree with you, but the other players are on xFun, and people have actually heard Wodmage and Magetrainery before - so it would only be fair for Admin to demand video/screenshot proof.


    But for these 4 on x100, I really don't think screenshots are necessary. It's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fucking obvious - NOBODY has even heard of them before..... let alone seen or queued vs them!


    TL;DR - I agree, but I'm trying to be reasonable for the admins. :)

  12. Five Wintraders On the Front Page..





    Name of the violator.

    Quinyu, Linley, Leylin, Jining, and Drablood.


    Realm, where you saw the violation.



    Description of the violation.

    Wintrading. Nobody has ever seen them or faced them in arena - not even low rated people, yet alone 1.8k mmr+.



    All from x100, and nobody has even ever seen or heard of these players in arena spectate, yet alone faced them at 2k+ mmr in 3s.







    Blatant Wintrade.



    Comments to the situation (if it needed).

    If you don't ban then it stops players who played legit like my boi Repitch getting title. These are 4 BLATANT wintraders on the frontpage.


    People should know or have seen them many times - but nobody has seen/faced them queueing all! It is not my word that you must take for it - take the entire community. NOBODY has even seen these players in arena spectate or queued vs them. Trust me people watch arena spectate when a 2k+ team is queuing in 3s, and nobody has ever seen these.








    TL;DR - Please ban so my nigga Repitch don't lose faith in PandaWoW.. He deserves his glad title yo. ;)



    Anyway.. Hope you do the right thing and don't troll the entire community by allowing this shit.


    Many thanks and Kind regards as always,










    Okay... i'm sort of pissed after realising someone has already reported them here:



    1. Quinyu, Leylin, Rumei, Linley (Linley = Leylin), Fangmeng, Srablack, Menhao, Jining, Drablood

    2. x100

    3. Wintrading

    4. Just check their armories, almost EVERY SINGLE of them is lvl 85 in GREEN GEAR. SEEMS LEGIT RIGHT LUL, also the ones that do have gear have 1 or 2 kills which is impossible considering they are both DPS.

    5. Ill provide screenshots if GM's are too lazy to check


    I will update at a later date and provide screenshots (don't have the time to atm).

  13. Hi there,


    I forgot my Password + Account Name to a character i bought ages ago on a separate account, then didn't play because I sucked at the class.. Nobody has logged onto it since I last did like 6 months ago.


    Could you give me the details if I send you the character name please?



    Thanks & Kind Regards,


  14. What is the point of this screenshot lol? Not only has nobody ever accused me of using PQR, but as I was basically saying in the screenshot:

    "PQR is pointless for Resto Shaman", and if I did ever use it, I would gain nothing from it.


    "The only possible thing that I could think to use it for, is grounding deep."

    Diabloque thinks this screenshot shows something, but he is just projecting his own insecurities about needing to cheat and wintrade upon others. :mocking:


    Either that or he is just stupid as fuck and need to L2Read English :facepalm: Both are just as plausible explanations tbh lol :rolleyes:

    #DiabloqueTheWintrader #AutismAlert

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