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Everything posted by badalhocaa

  1. "Because even that statement clearly has an exception" Dude, do you know what you're talking about? Getting crazy or using some hallucinogen, man what you said was the dumbest thing I read, look at the contradictions in your own words. - - - Updated - - - Loses time explaining no friend, the guys play on the server for years and do not understand half of what is around them, the famous, lay users
  2. Whose sympathy? your ? You can not even understand what my words say, what would your sympathy want? I believe you are not the proudest of your family or social cycle, you can not even understand a simple text. I'm no exception friend why would I want to be an exception? If I wanted to be an exception, I would go against everything I've fought today. When there are exceptions, they create disadvantages, envy, indignation. I just want at least an acknowledgment that my case was fair. You do not even understand that every rule has an exception right? Dude, I do not know how old you are, and I'd rather not be depressed for you, I do not understand how your line of reasoning can be so narrowed down. Not to mention that you have no reason to have this limit, you can very well open google and search for things instead of applying your opinion without consistency.
  3. I feel like arguing with a board. Learn something dear friend, there are only two things, Rule or Exception. Rule = majority Excess = Exception Who used the bug for fun enters the majority soon the rule applies, now as in my case goes into the exception. But it is as I told you, the rule is applied but only the "judge" applies the sentence, before the condition. Stop being cool and be disturbed by this line of totally clogged raccoon. - - - Updated - - - Did you take all this time to think about it, peanut head?
  4. I was convicted? I only saw one authority responding to the post, and he did not respond on my next reply. Man I was not even judged practically, so it seems the post was not seen by a responsible authority and able to understand what happened. I'm not arrogant, I just do not have patience with facist. He wants to talk about right and wrong, everything right and wrong depends on what happened face, to be dumb.
  5. I'm not being arrogant or even selfish. The rules do exist, but whoever does the judging is the judge. The judge is exposed the conditions of the event and he decides whether it was right or wrong, only he condemns. Has it stopped to think that who makes definition of what is "wrong" or "right", are we nois? You're totally intolerant of the idea that I defended myself, you want me to be punished for what it costs, even my reason being good, and still have the courage to say that I'm ignorant, boy you do not even know what happens around you How do you want to set standards? But who defines this is not you, alias I feel debating with a search tool, which knows nothing at all just use words to define non-existent patterns. What is it to be ignorant and arrogant to you? If you want to judge whether someone can be tried or not tried before a rule, at least get acquainted. Do not be a pseudo-tolerant.
  6. Every rule can be broken for good reason, let a rational being answer the topic, get that ass off the pc and go study or do something productive for yourself. There are no moral concepts without being purposely evil! What are your concepts in this topic, fenrir? - - - Updated - - - Use English without words, friend, if you will not be hard to understand. No answer that someone else has given, if not will make the topic long and repetitive.
  7. Dear friend, this is consensus, in fact other players have been banned but they have come here to argue or complain? You mean I'm ignorant, face self defense is never a crime to have a clenched head. I am not asking them to apply the laws of our "real" world, just to analyze the situation and use common sense. You who are being reckless and applying the law as if it were in the "real world," and worst of all you do not understand shit law. Note: Copying and pasting is quite different from understanding. - - - Updated - - - Real-world rules apply anywhere, do not be dumb again. I am not asking you to apply real world rules, I just used you as an example to make explanations against your arrogant and senseless answers.
  8. Congratulations, you copied and pasted a law of the cuts, only forgot to by the reference of where you copied and pasted right? But he is still a retard who does not understand what is an exception or the general condition of a rule. - - - Updated - - - I'm retarded right? You do not know how to interpret a text and define who has problems? But in view of the problem of attention you have, I will be supportive and I will explain. The reference I used is that the previous friend does not even know the laws of his country, how will he understand a virtual law?
  9. You do not even know the laws of your country and want to come and define whether there is an exception or not?
  10. When I enter the forum and I see your answer on my topic, even a sadness of having to answer your answers futile, becomes boring. Come on, use this mess that we all have inside our heads, because it can take you to many places. Returning to the subject that, every rule has its exception. It is a crime for you to attack someone. But if that person attacks you, and you defend yourself, you are not betraying a crime, but responding against it in favor of your well-being. This is an exception within a rule. In my case, I did not use it in bad faith, I just defended myself. You have no arguments to be on this topic man, be quiet, be more beautiful. You are only acting according to your selfishness, a clear feature in evidence of your personality.
  11. Write without slang and correctly, it is difficult to understand the nonsense you speak without any link, using slang words and I can not answer.
  12. Decided to respond after a year, and spoke the same shit as the previous and the previous. - - - Updated - - - Dude you said the same shit that the previous ones spoke, did you bother to read everything that is written in the post? If it's to talk bullshit or something with no concept, be quiet it looks more beautiful to you
  13. Would you rather be hidden like a coward for 10 minutes? Or forever. Dude, if you cower in a game, you'll end up being another victim of society if you can not fight something wrong using the same spoon in a game I do not even want to imagine if it was something in real life. My friend, in any case there are exceptions, for everything to rules, and laws. Soldier going to war for fear of dying, he's a coward. bro, I want the ZEOX to read the situation, because it is the most rational of this place, I believe the only able to understand. But according to your text, you should come and live in Brazil, you would accept the laws of my country easily. The laws of my country concise in: -> If I am attacked and counterattacked I am arrested, and the one who made the first attack does not. -> If I get beat up and get up and beat, I'm stuck. Friend I understand that if taking advantage of a bug is something wrong, this is more against a rule breach of my common sense, not the server. But for everything there has to be an expertise, and if possible someone who understands of aversions. If you answer, please respond with something good, do not waste my time.
  14. My dear friend, I made it very clear at the beginning that I made use of the bug, I think you did not read well, it was made a video of a player that filmed me using, but this player forged the information because the same was in a group with 2 HUNTERS killing overall. "And you have no right to" Abuse "a bug to make your self invulnerable to them." But I can be vulnerable to those who become invincible and make me a victim right? "If you do not want to be attacked, move away from them and disable PvP" There is only one faction? Even it seems that the one who was using it was only for arenas and not for the main cities. "And in the future, read the rules of the server" I do not need to read the rules, to make sense my dear friend, for every rule There is an exception, since every rule has errors or an aversion. If you reply, please reply with some valid argument please!
  15. Friend, read about the laws of the courts, and what conditions exist within them, instead of sitting all day on the computer doing nothing. Even because this is everyone's right in case of need.
  16. Temporary, a month, that's a long time. It's the same thing if you're walking down the street and a stranger throws you a stone, you pick up the same stone and throw it again, it's the same situation.
  17. Hello everyone, on this Beautiful Friday (in my country), I arrived from work and tried to connect to my account and with my attempts I realized that something was wrong. So I went to the server site and saw that my account was banned, because of "BUG ABUSER", I think about 2 days ago I took advantage of the hunter bug because I was tired of dying. That I remember the laws of the court, it is not wrong to abuse something to defend itself, I was exposed to the need to use, I did not use because I wanted to. I am a player for almost 2 years and I have 3 accounts, there were more than 300 dollars spent here, this for me that I am Brazilian is a lot because the currency is a bit high. I do not think it fair that I am a donor being banned for defending myself from people who were killing me all the time. I ask you to review the situation.
  18. Name: Kagu Class: Mage Realm: Fun Reason: Hack cast in moviment this player, can somehow cast POLIFORMIA moving (without using the talented cast moving). I did not filmed because I do not have a good computer, and also believe that the duty to look suspicious players is of the own management team. not all a Gm coast into the game and find out the situation said above. No longer just the bugs, we also have to play with exploits and hacks? I beg you to understand What do I said.
  19. Name : Odienar realm : Fun Class: Hunter PROBLEM : this player use any hacker or wpe pro on FREEZE TRAP, i play arenas with war 2.8, he pick all traps, but this hunter is IMPOSSIBLE pick the traps, the traps freeze on 0.3 Secs please verify arenas of this player
  20. O.o Não entendi seu contexto amigo(a), seja mais específico ou expressivo. - - - Updated - - - yes friend, I read WHAT is written in THREAD , if I had not done it , would not have opened this topic, but the question raised in this topic , is that I was banned unfairly .
  21. pelo fato dele ser dono do servidor, não impede ele de estar errado, e pelo você leu errado errado eu não disse que dk esta "nerfado" e sim que ele possui muitos erros, como perniose sair com DOTs e sem críticos dentre outros como a passiva do dk q aumenta em 5% a stamina do dk se ele estiver unicamente usando plate - - - Updated - - - Because it is the owner , that not prevent you from Being Wrong, I hope that it review the case and see it was an error , I am honest in life and in the game
  22. Whatever le BE no server , THAT IT DOES NOT stop to make mistakes , As We BUT If not I No I was wrong , almost no game more and no server When played with often never needed to use such a thing,
  23. ZEOX see this topic plz http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=78845&highlight=vanguardx
  24. This priest abusing with Mindcontrol hack !! [ATTACH=CONFIG]112632[/ATTACH]
  25. Ladies and gentlemen , one afternoon I'm going arena, in a score of 22/1 , LORXTQ enters the msm arena and I begin to heal the bug along with a mage, or administrator responsible for that server / forum , please to ban this two [ATTACH=CONFIG]111358[/ATTACH]
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