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  1. Is breaking rules to have older brother in the same house except im using laptop and he pc.He doesn't even know what im up to and don't deserve punishment for my mistakes - - - Updated - - - I will wait for administrators to see justice here
  2. You'r report is so wrong i am not even same person he has nothing to do with this and noone touches my brother and mocks me.You people really need to stop. First of all its not multi account Second of all tiggar47 has nothing to do with this Third again he has nothing to do with this i am completly diffrent person we maybe live in same house and play same game. You have no rights to judge other people because you think of it. - - - Updated - - - And what if its same picturen.This is emblem picture of our brotherhood.It's called The Curse of Sad Mummy Amumu
  3. Technicly.I am older then you.Second if you would of say that straight to my face you would of never have teeth or mouth again.And third as you Serbian people are so downside and retarded.Killed 75% of my people in 1995 war.Noone gives a fuck about that.Well i do sons of a bitches
  4. :D Sooo much fun - - - Updated - - - Think you must of been mistaken.Network IP and Computer IP.Network might be same.Pc definently isn't - - - Updated - - - http://prntscr.com/8yvqn7 I know what i wrote mate :D
  5. That inspect elements is wonderful :D.Wan't me try it
  6. Dude.My brother said that obviusly he thinks are chars are his.And thats not even my skype I don't use skype because of skype exploit,ts3 recommended
  7. Justin Bieber is for Gays.Litteraly,Formaly speaking its gay
  8. Nice,Nice,Nice
  9. If you didn't know pal.Im not tiggar47 :D.I hate weegee as much as every else nothig special the guy has issues :D You'r sinc - - - Updated - - - I didn't know that incorrect grammar on this forum is strictly prohibited.Kinda nice for you people talk.Makes me laugh.Makes me happy.I am mad :D.Cocain overdose - - - Updated - - - Level 1 rogue knows that.Everyone can write it.I don't play rogues so i don't give about this guide :D
  10. Nice,Nice.I didn't know you have that nice taste for music repitch :D
  11. That chapter is Single handedly made by my brother.Didn't copy that up.And that weegee is a pile of dirt.People can chew him and throw him out like a cheap bubble gum :D Only Stat Explanations were copyed the rest is that.
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