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Everything posted by Злюкмм

  1. Mage - Abu/Bestworldx/Basicbxtch/Sokween [FROSTS] Rogue - Claimi/Pikaboo(quit pandawow),Repitch, Alexis [sUBS] Paladin - Dartmeganz, Gembri [RETRI] Hunter - Cambeezy [sURVIVAL] Hitshots [sURVIVAL / MM] Shaman - Dionysius [ELEMENTAL] / Dennycrane [RESTO] / Samuelito [RESTO] Monk - Chiv - Mingmisty [MWS] Druid - Minpojke, Cogu [RESTOS] Málaakaii, Flashdruid, Tallaque [bALANCES] Warlock - Funkabizsax/Шарx/Acidxx [AFFLICTIONS] Machmollo, Whéreàreyouat [DESTROS] Warrior - Backinbsns / Aquavit / Famexyo / Neik / Emalkay[ARMS] DK - Ceroline / Absolute [uNHOLYS] Priest - Shelbyqt / Rhinologyx [HOLYS], Jessbossx [sP]
  2. Its a real bug dude, search it before trashtalking, unstable afflic isnt going togheter soulburn+ soulswap in arenas
  3. Hello, im warlock, as haters know, i need a video proofing that Insta dots with soul burn + soul swap during arenas, dont work all dots, only Corruption and agony, it was after they try to fix the insta dots infinite times(in 30 sec) with soul burn up. So, i need a video with soul burn + soul swap in ARENAS, thanks.
  4. Holy jesus, forum is getting so toxic now... im mad.
  5. Its a pandawow problem, mmr is not fixed : ) its why high rated teams face 1k teams : )
  6. Qing 3s as lsd?, yes i lost 1 time won 10, i lost cuz my druid is 516k hp, not good for 3s, and he is not high exped as druid, plz, l2p afflic before trashtalking you are so terrible as afflic that you say that Mastery is better than haste in 2s / 3s LOL
  7. First of all, l2english, second, im shit and you are what? third, if i can get 3k why you cant? peace, haters are welcome
  8. XAXAXAXAXA you got problems with russians? let me make something to you, delete your wow, locks is a class, is there for use, noobs play destro, trashs demo, and smarts affly
  9. HAHAHA, you got a 3x bugged instant soul fire and you play with balance, 2.2 at pandawow any spanish can get : ) i saw 2.6 rshams that even dont know what is spirit link : )
  10. Warrior is just a cancer in pandawow high rating teams : )
  11. Its what locks trying to rat up get in high rating : ) http://prntscr.com/96cwhc
  12. Yes dude, the bug still "ALIVE"
  13. The fun of the game is enjoy it, 90% chat mods doesnt enjoy it, and private other pple to get it. : )
  14. Злюкмм


    All combs that doesnt got a lock or a warrior or a shaman or a druid inside it is "Trash" versus lock/shamans teams
  15. It is probabbly your interface that doesnt loaded or really a hacking ( that is hard to find)
  16. wtf tryhards of reports
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