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  1. 2016 most fucked up year #shotzfired
  3. kappa l love patatos #feelsbadman
  4. dontbotherit


    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ most retarded post in a thread ever it deserves 10/10 :appl:
  5. you're more like a crybaby if you get pissed you just put it on others and call it justice #feelsbadman you not even half the man you think you are
  6. damn even juster rofled on this thread wow guys you rly got some attention in these threads hahahah
  7. yes it will no worries if you don't have a bad connection you'll run it with no lag what so ever (mine is 2.4 as well and i played it with no problems) cheers
  8. i played aura kingdome before you should check it out it has everything you asked for
  9. any staff pls answer tiggar47 question it's important to me too ASP so my reports don't get declined
  10. 1-russian couldn't copy 2-fun 3-teleporting to get mine cart and cap 4-proofs /pic: http://imgur.com/a/31rl0 5-this maked me really angry cause most of alliance in that bg almost got 4k honor while we lost
  11. hmmm nemi here is the one i got it works for morphing to npc scale some mounts but no gear :p download link:https://www.mediafire.com/?8agy9od5l6rleud all credit goes to l0l1dk and Danwins
  12. i have the wow circle one a gm there maked one for wowcircle and pandawow
  13. i brought tmorph and i think most of you know what that is finally i got a working one on pandawow but it dosen't work with all it's functions for some reason example: if i morph gear it dosen't appear so for me it's the same and it's not tmorphed it's written like this morphed id....... to ....... if anyone can give me another tmorph working with all it's functions it'd be nice also if anyone knows why it dosen't morph my gear cheers
  14. shrekt xD useless thread gonna get closed and tiggar47 gonna get humiliated GG
  15. i tho cheat engine tmog shit was fixed i saw a russian report juster said will be fixed or something and it dosen't work for me anymore neither does it save for a lot of players
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