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Everything posted by Cogman

  1. Here I drew an autistic picture for you Hiluxa. http://imgur.com/a/pnU75
  2. The only thing I will help you argue about here is the fact that people had ALL of their characters gear removed because of a SERVER SIDE ISSUE he should have only removed the gear from the website because iti s an "EXPLOIT" this is stupid yes this is the only thing I will help you with. And yes it is weird how those bugs "randomly appeared" and took ages to fix them no one in their right frame of mind will go to zul gurub pick that buff up teleport to SoO and 1 shot a boss hmmmm and it was a major bug yet took months to fix? xDD it is weird. Apart from this good I hope your guild never becomes a PVE guild because you're all just disgusting bug abusers who dont deserve to play if you keep bug abusing. Absolutely vial. P.S You bug abused on ALL of your characters.
  3. You watched the almighty Zeox
  4. Events are coming dont worry and the reward will be silver coins to buy something. And Zeox does special deals on christmas / easter etc I.E 20% more bonuses
  5. http://imgur.com/a/YT768 Come I will invite you.
  6. I'm still in this guild
  7. http://imgur.com/a/QVaRU idk I cant see the video ^^
  8. Nono just buy my damn monkey
  9. Osama bin ladin
  10. Cogman

    Twilight Ward

  11. Fat people are cute and nice like Indeminight
  12. Thank you, certainly is better than yours.
  13. Your opinions - USELESS
  14. Cogman

    Twilight Ward

    Urm... does it affect anything other than just being in the wrong category?? if not 0.1/10 please.
  15. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=94594/titan-runestone / http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=32591/secrets-of-the-first-empire / http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=87210/chimera-of-fear / http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=31473/the-strength-of-ones-foes / http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=32597/heart-of-the-thunder-king 2. These quests items are not personal loot, its being treated as if it is free for all and only 1 of each drop meaning if 6 players have either of these quests only 1 can loot the items. 3. These quests items should be personal loot, meaning if you have this quest there's a random % drop chance that they will drop for you and more than 1 player should be able to loot them.( they are not always 100% drop rate ) only Heart of the thunder king and Chimera of fear are 100% drop chance. 4. 31/05/2017 5. X100 6. 10/10 Cant proceed to get your legendary cape this way it has been reduced from 3-4 weeks > 10-14 weeks
  16. lol xD simple ta daaa
  17. Yes please from 411k > 330k DPS sorry not sorry :( and Im full pve with pvp weps doing 94k lances in World pvp nice ;)
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