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Everything posted by Cogman

  1. Cogman

    Lifebloom bug

    When will the update be is the question
  2. You want some hype? Ight I got you http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=164998&highlight=2.2+motivation
  3. Any recognition for this major impact on my performance will this be fixed in the upcomming changelog?
  4. Still looking for one btw
  5. Umirinbreh
  6. Aha banter
  7. Yes ally or horde I just need too see what others are hitting / ignites are.
  8. Im looking for a PvE mage who can show me a video of their combustion as I think mine is nerfed or atleast feels it or can atleast show me ingame add cogman if you can please.
  9. This should be entertaining http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=164998&highlight=2.2+motivation
  10. 4head and I just want anwer too reply for confirmation ^_^
  11. Anwer you recently said that celestials worked but there not really working as intended and theres still 2 not attackable but the other 2 have been killed? will these be fixed in the up coming changelog and as far as I know will they even drop loot? http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=179660&page=2&p=1093886#post1093886 PAGE 2
  12. Making multiple threads will most likely make it too be the last too be fixed thread has already been made and is more popular dont make multiple threads http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=178636
  13. Please add this too the next changelog please it needs too be fixed, its 1 of the warriors BiS
  14. Hmm I would do pvp but you`d carry me hard cause im shit at it lol but i wouldnt mind mate, im PvE based ^_^ also Luthem can you get weegee too contact me? via skype your more likely too get in touch with him "Aaron.liles2"
  15. I got removed for inactivity and precise panaccea has already said "Our raiding roster is full" so theres no point really, I dont wanna be backup person I want too be an actual raider.
  16. Hi, im currently returning too Pwow for PvE purposes and am looking for a guild that has mop raids (Mainly SoO) on farm and has killed the first 4 working bosses in SoO as thats my Exp on PWOW I can go horde or alliance I am a 562 Arcane/Fire mage very experienced and knowledgable of all fights in raids, I have discord/TS etc for communication add me ingame "Cogman" or add my skype aaron.liles2 too get in touch with me.
  17. You fucking gay
  18. Seeing you kids argue is so interesting, because you`re so illiterate it`s unbelievable go back to school.
  19. You called his mother a dog you silly cunt fucking muslim i`ll fucking bombard you
  20. Cogman

    Green Fire warlock

  21. Such a pimp my man......
  22. I`m gonna shank this kid tiggar soon
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