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Funk シ

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Posts posted by Funk シ

  1. The mage is using pots you dumb motherfucker....


    Also in the video, on the orb the warrior had sac and then sac+shield wall. And in the second orb he literally had nothing other than his onuse. Are you blind or simpley retarded?


    stop being salty

  2. name: Адмиралхх

    realm: fun

    description: first my lock (machmollo) spectated a game where this guy was alone there waiting for something (first print). few mins later we que and we get him, he /afk when he sees its not his que (video)

    proof: http://i.imgur.com/ky6s1EN.jpg / https://vid.me/hqUG

    comments: he was reported a few days ago here: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=217512, but was declined for some reason...


    set video quality to hd


    he's waiting puchqia XD or maybe the gm dont care about wintrades ^_^

  3. lmfao.. nice format & description i'm sure they will remove the spell "Blind" with that description +1


    im just mad and also i cant give them a proof becouse not always work

  4. First of all im 90% sure this is a bug.


    Spell name : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=35942/furious-howl and all other hunter pet's temporal buffs .


    Issue : I see a lot of hunts in arenas start the arenas with 3-4 buffs like that.


    You cant buff yourself with 3-4 pet buffs and start arena with a advantage , becouse its a bug .

    You can do it using the buff of the pet , then quit pet , summon another pet , use buff , quit it etc..

    Screenshot : http://imgur.com/a/Znl60 http://imgur.com/a/Znl60


    And there are 2 more screenshots to see its not a visual bug look the haste / mastery / crit in this screenshot http://imgur.com/a/iqJoo


    Then look same in this 1 http://imgur.com/a/YGxPh


    It's actually a PvP bug so




    Tested : 25/04/2017


    Sorry for my bad english.


    We as players ARE NOT HAPPY that people who use dirty methods of winning don't have to pay MORE or they can just be immune to such bans. Machmollo was banned for 60 days, he payed for unban the next day, ddosing again. This ruins the whole experience of playing on PandaWoW, and makes us want to leave.




    I don't understand how machmollo got banned 60 days with a whisper chat xd




    "Declined" lmao and they had a lot of screenshits & shits , also chiv had more reasons to get a ban but damn, corruption

    • Like 1
  6. 1 question , its mmr buged or something?xd i got a character with 1700 cr 70 wins and like 2-3 loses, and im only facing guys and winning +2 ,+3 cr and losing -16..etc , its my char buged?im even queing with people with more than 2300 cr ,
  7. WTS warrior CM set nothing special, 770 bonuses only




    what is that addon? that gold dragon in your icon

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