Hello, this suggestion was submitted like a month ago. The suggestion was forwarded to the administration for discussion and it was rejected.
The problem is that we need to turn the xfun realm to a tournament realm. No one can guarantee that after the release of classic MoP from blizzard, we will have a decent player base around and it's not just a temporarily thing. We do not want to offer everyone free access to 550 item level gear and then ruin one of the best service Pandawow has and helps keeping the server alive, buying-selling characters service.
What I can suggest from my side (I have not even discussed it with administrators yet) is to sell characters from permanently banned accounts or from our account that we keep all confiscated characters from scamming, selling characters for real money cases.
We can realease characters with 550 ilvl gear or 540-545 with lower prices than the minimum. An example:
As I remember, we sold many characters then around 500 gold coins.