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About Nightscreams

  • Birthday 09/17/1997

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  1. Hello, post should be on russian to save it from ignoring?
  2. Will anyone from administration even bother to answer or atleast consider this idea?
  3. Hello. Since you know, there are cool pvp titles, to be specific Rated Battleground ones but since that system is dead on this server, it would attract more players to do pvp if you make it available throught normal bgs. For example, Like on pvp kills, you get them just like via specifit number - 5k honorable kills = +1 rank or something like this https://www.wowhead.com/achievements/character-achievements/player-vs-player/rated-battleground There are some players with this back when it was bugged or from old 100x which does not exist anymore. Please, consider this and make it happen so people would atleast come back and play PvP. This titles are so cool and system to get it, is DEAD. Thanks
  4. Names - Karleighw, Christianaa, Menks Top 3 in 3v3 bracket, funserver. 0 gear 39 wins
  5. budget for max price, better have everything possible (pref glad )
  6. Hello. I've noticed the mount player had on x5 realm, which I was not able to find either ingame/shop so could you explain how ? https://imgur.com/a/nFsjupC
  7. Aight, I may be wrong, didn't notice that this titles were for realm first class instead of class hall. close plz
  8. Hello. Since there are class tittles in the game shop for a few classes, it would be nice to add https://www.wowhead.com/title=482/high-priest this also :) since almost every race has priest, it would be so great to see this title in the shop
  9. Allright, so every dungeon works perfectly for the achievment https://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=5506/defender-of-a-shattered-world But. https://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=5066/heroic-lost-city-of-the-tolvir this part of achievment is bugged, we simply can not defeat https://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=43612/high-prophet-barim/heroic-encounter-journal because it insta dissapears. and even if you burst and kill him, you cant get to the last boss by air portal (?!) https://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=44819/siamat to kill it, even if it spawns. We need to kill that boss for the title Defender of a Shattered World, please help us get it. Thanks High Prophet Barim needs to be fixed so it does not dissapear in few seconds, and the air portals to get to the Siamat has to be fixed so we can get up and kill him. xFun
  10. Allright, so every raid/instance for this achievment works perfectly, https://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=1658/champion-of-the-frozen-wastes But. Heroic - Mal'Ganis in the raid https://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=500/heroic-the-culling-of-stratholme, Simply does not spawn and chest could be insta lootable. We need to kill Mal'ganis and get achievment for title - Champion of the frozen wastes, please help us get it. thanks xFun.
  11. Hey, its paladin Roflgame from xFun. I don't know if it has some backstory or some problems, P.S that connection issue comes when i have to choose realms too, it tells me that connection has some problems and its for me to choose i have to run it or decline, but sometimes. Wierd, huh
  12. So, recently i came up with a strange issue, i used same connection from my home since 2014, and recently started to use my other PC to play, and i came up with this issue when i try to put a char for sale - https://imgur.com/a/NX62JYg It started after my friend transfered char on my account, so idk.. help please, this is so annoying
  13. I wanna buy gladiator warlock or priest, /w ingame Dashpsg ally, Sneakypaw horde.
  14. https://imgur.com/a/wetAUPI На друиде есть 2 ЧС, 40к оз, пве 581 пвп 3x 550, все легендарки дон транси веши игрушки и все такое. 155д онлаин. все елитки из лк, кароче все. на фотках увидите ))
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