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Everything posted by Iamzodzy

  1. Lock summon, it's not a tp hack x) https://gyazo.com/88eb05216b3816932263b111fa560897
  2. Realm : Fun Nickname of the violator: Pain Description of the violation: This moderator is clearly abusing his power muting people left and right. There's a difference in random players / friends talking to each other. And if either feels violated or insulted, either parties could make an official report on the case. This moderator feels like it's his job to just mute said person anyway. http://i65.tinypic.com/2w74h8y.png http://i63.tinypic.com/2enrrdh.png Me and my friend click (who insult each other every now and then since it's what friends do) wanted to see if he'd mute either of us for "insulting" each other and not reporting it. Mr. abusive mod obviously thought it was in his right to do so even though first of all it was a joke, and second of all neither of us felt violated or insulted. He's done this to numerous people now (Edit to rattag's shitty answer) It doesn't matter if it's a joke or not. It was to see if he would abuse his power as a moderator which he did. It's not a moderator or gm's job to act on another player's feelings or actions IF that player doesn't find it offensive or hurtful. I can go tell someone to go f*ck his uncle or sh*t in his sisters bed *for example* If that's the way me and that player talk to eachother, and that player doesn't report it, there's nothing a moderator or gm can and should do about it. Stop interfering with your player base. The server is dying because of shit like this. You guys take the "fun" out of the FUN realm. Do your actual job and show some professionalism. Even in this case, i got muted for "Flooding & spamming" According to the rules it should be More than 3 messages in a short period of time. That didn't happen either. So yet another case of abusing power because of unprofessionalism
  3. Realm : Fun Nickname of the violator: Pain Description of the violation: This moderator is clearly abusing his power muting people left and right. There's a difference in random players / friends talking to each other. And if either feels violated or insulted, either parties could make an official report on the case. This moderator feels like it's his job to just mute said person anyway. Proofs: screenshots or video (depending on violation); As shown in the following picture. http://i65.tinypic.com/2w74h8y.png http://i63.tinypic.com/2enrrdh.png Me and my friend click (who insult each other every now and then since it's what friends do) wanted to see if he'd mute either of us for "insulting" each other and not reporting it. Mr. abusive mod obviously thought it was in his right to do so even though first of all it was a joke, and second of all neither of us felt violated or insulted. He's done this to numerous people now
  4. Now i know you're desperate. Everyone knows you and chainz started all this bullshit (except for the wargaming, that's reehz) If you just want to lie your ass off, i can send screenshots of chainz sending me the multibox program, the macros for teleporting. You and cora both sit on 2/3 chars, permanently. Ganking anyone who attacks either one of you. Chainz is even stuck in stormwind when cora is offline and you're still talking shit. We 1v1'ed the other day in guru, you didn't even last 30 seconds. And sure imma abuse the hell out of it till it gets fixed. You 2 think you're the only ones that can use advantages lmao, it's hilarious.
  5. First they removed the tp npc cause people were abusing cd resets. Then they "Fixed" Wargames cause people were abusing it to reset cds. We thought it was over, but fortunately thanks to chainz & cora there's now a new way! Time to remove the cd reset on duels.
  6. Oh, then how can you use an item with a 1 hour cooldown, every 5 minutes? Are you a magician?
  7. I'm sure you also don't remind the removal of the falling flame item then? Since you know, blizzard removed their version in legion. You won't be able to wargame, reset falling flame cd and come back to guru anymore though :x It's funny how you want wargame to be removed, yet you abuse the fk out of it yourself.
  8. I died in a 2v1, Just like in all your pictures, you got people helping you. but grats i guess. ganking is cewl http://i66.tinypic.com/118hv2g.png "1v1" HEEEEEEEEREEEEEEE http://i64.tinypic.com/344un9v.jpg Imma make pwow rich by making you buy falling flames 24/7
  9. That's really cute when you lose in a 2v1 http://i66.tinypic.com/2pzzpt3.jpg
  10. If i had to screenshot everytime you die or run away, my hard drive would be full
  11. Sounds exactly like you're describing yourself here. The paladin that can't kill anyone, so he uses: http://i63.tinypic.com/dwe81e.png After he has wasted his burst, bubble and did 0 dmg. Wargames and comes back to do it all again. How can you talk about skill when you have none.
  12. Itschainz / Jealøus https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-4324317.html https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-1438069.html https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-6192654.html FUN. Threatening & Actual ddosing https://gyazo.com/7b3606c278111162700d7126adbf46e0 https://gyazo.com/71540743a3bf97e7b306ba418ecf14ac https://gyazo.com/91c850fb8860333ba990cec7c5db1cc4 https://gyazo.com/67feb23d236f3cc1e27f235c19ffea90 https://gyazo.com/3112a21df4e006a6cdc51a553e30667e Here's also a timestamp of him saying it in game [16:49:09] [itschainz]: [Common] time to go off [16:49:10] [itschainz]: [Common] zod 28-6-2019 If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will: 1. Be given a temporary (from 30 days) or permanent ban from the game, depending on severity and frequency*: 1.16 DDOSing players of project (for this we need irrefutable proofs).
  13. Itschainz https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-4324317.html https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-1438069.html FUN. Threatening & Actual ddosing https://gyazo.com/7b3606c278111162700d7126adbf46e0 https://gyazo.com/71540743a3bf97e7b306ba418ecf14ac https://gyazo.com/91c850fb8860333ba990cec7c5db1cc4 https://gyazo.com/67feb23d236f3cc1e27f235c19ffea90 https://gyazo.com/3112a21df4e006a6cdc51a553e30667e Here's also a timestamp of him saying it in game [16:49:09] [itschainz]: [Common] time to go off [16:49:10] [itschainz]: [Common] zod 28-6-2019 If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will: 1. Be given a temporary (from 30 days) or permanent ban from the game, depending on severity and frequency*: 1.16 DDOSing players of project (for this we need irrefutable proofs).
  14. Itschainz https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-4324317.html https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-1438069.html FUN. Threatening & Actual ddosing https://gyazo.com/7b3606c278111162700d7126adbf46e0 https://gyazo.com/71540743a3bf97e7b306ba418ecf14ac https://gyazo.com/c7443a620f8d979e99efa39cfcbe441e https://gyazo.com/67feb23d236f3cc1e27f235c19ffea90 https://gyazo.com/3112a21df4e006a6cdc51a553e30667e Here's also a timestamp of him saying it in game [16:49:09] [itschainz]: [Common] time to go off [16:49:10] [itschainz]: [Common] zod 28-6-2019
  15. Fun Twøtale Bug abusing to get under the map and not die http://i65.tinypic.com/ir5a2v.jpg http://i67.tinypic.com/rhswsy.jpg http://i66.tinypic.com/15yw8km.jpg
  16. Раттаг Banned me unjustly for "Multiboxing" As they claim i have. The ones reported me are mad for being on multiple druids to fight their 10-15 raid group. If i was multiboxing. Tell me why i died on 1 druid while the other ones aren't even close and alive. http://i68.tinypic.com/2cpx9hc.jpg Anyone can take a picture of 1 guy being on multiple accounts. But without having video evidence of using them all at the same time this shouldn't even be considered.. I use multiple druids, sure. But i use them 1 client at a time. http://i67.tinypic.com/mhaves.jpg Half of my druids are dead, half of them are alive. IF i was multiboxing either all of them would be dead or all of them would be alive and nearby.
  17. Talk shit about people multiboxing. Still getting rekt without it. Multiboxing is not the problem. People that are bad at the game are. I remember before i started being friends with sisterone. I wiped him on my lock 2/3 times.... ALONE. Taking down a multiboxer isn't impossible, you just have to have a brain and git gut.
  18. Literally they all do it lmao. I can guarantee you. If i was multiboxing on my accounts and not using them 1 by 1. I would melt layya's entire group in 2 seconds. Yet i'm forced to go in 1 by 1 vs 10 people. Stupid sht.
  19. Fun Human female rogue Twøtale http://i65.tinypic.com/ir5a2v.jpg http://i67.tinypic.com/rhswsy.jpg http://i66.tinypic.com/15yw8km.jpg
  20. Take me for example. People actually make groups & raids to kill just me. You think it's unfair if use multiple accounts/chars to fight that same group by myself? People cry now because they get what they deserve. They're all tough when they got groups and can 5v1. But when you start having 5 chars for each one of them, suddenly they're not all that great anymore. All the multiboxers in guru don't fight me because i'm not a person that relies on others to gank people. I'm more about 1v1ing and showing actual skill rather than shit talking while grouping up on 1 guy simply because you wouldn't be able to beat them alone. People get what they deserve, and they don't like that.
  21. That's where i come in. Not trying to "Boost my ego" Like chinzrow would call it. 90% of the server mains alliance, it's why i main horde. It's actually quite sad to see that the horde barely has any actual good players, who would also be willing to team up on said multiboxers to take them down. Me and decoy/rekick have been to stormwind a couple times while multiboxing. Sometimes there's resistance, sometimes there's not. Like you said it's no fun when people aren't fighting, so we leave after a while. We've been wiped a couple times too. Multiboxing has never been a problem before, why should it be one now. The people that are crying about it are either getting ganked by the players they've ganked in the past. Or are just unfortunate in which case i would agree with them all the way.
  22. To be honest, you shouldn't even ban it in gurubashi. I've been on this server for about 5-ish years now. Multiboxing has always been a thing, but anyone rarely used it. You say it's unfair when someone goes 16v1 on a multibox. People do the same without the program. They make groups/raids to fight 1/2 people because they simply can't beat them alone. I don't support the 10v1 multiboxers since i've always been the 1v1 equal fights guy. But if people who get off of themselves for ganking someone who they are unable to beat on their own. Yeah, let them get shit on by a multiboxer. So don't ban multiboxing, not even in guru, just limit the number of accounts per ip. If people can shit talk while 5v1ing you, they should be ready to get 1v5ed aswell. It's called Karma
  23. Ye, life's rough. But hey, we're doing good again. If you ever want to know what feet look like, i can show you a pic. I know can't see your own own when you stand up.
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