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Everything posted by gucci

  1. hi,there is a big lag in x100 realm,i'm not the only one,I asked in the channel and many players said that they have lag,can you try to fix it..?
  2. Declined.Need proof, what if he is very skilled?Also not according to the rules. - - - Updated - - - Declined.Need proof, what if he is very skilled?Also not according to the rules. Also you are getting 5000 mins mute for Caps lock in your letters.Caps lock is caps lock,sorry. - - - Updated - - - Declined.Need proof, what if he is very skilled?Also not according to the rules. Also you are getting 5000 mins mute for Caps lock in your letters.Caps lock is caps lock,sorry.
  3. he says that he plays vs 2.6k ppl and when they lose,their mmr is ~760 and by that way they lose 1-2 rating.just ask yourself how it's possible to play vs 2.6k mage and 2k rogue and their mmr is ~760?
  4. what's bugged: delay/responce of spells issue: for example when a shaman casts http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=51514/hex and warrior uses http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=23920/spell-reflection at the last 0.2-0.3 seconds,the hex will be succesful and the spell reflect is triggered,but unsuccessful(in this case if the shaman uses hex and the warr uses spell reflect at the last second,he will be hex-ed,but the spell reflect will be activated while he is hex-ed) another example:if druid casts http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=33786/cyclone or mage casts http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=28272/polymorph and you use http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=204336/grounding-totem at the last second,you will be polymorphed/cycloned,but the totem will be activated while you are in cc another example:when I do successful fake cast and if a warrior uses http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=6552/pummel 0.1 - 0.2 - 0.3 seconds after the successful fake cast,I will get school locked...i'm 10000000000000% sure about that bug what should happen: all spells should be triggered at the proper time,because sometimes i'm in polymorph and a druid casts cyclone and i have 0.2 - 0.3 sec between the cc chain,and i want to use grounding totem and when i use it,i get cycloned,but the totem is activated ... realm: x100/fun/cross priority: 10 /10 P.S the problem doesn't occur only on me,I've see such things when i spectate arenas,it's not about my MS(because if you have for example 1k ms,it's normal to have delays on spells)
  5. did i ask you?you are just a moderator,not administrator,i want answer from administrators,because i wonder what are they doing and why they are so slow and how every time a stupid problem appears..i dont give a shit about your answers since you are just minor and your answers doesn't even make sence.. you don't say?do you think that i don't know if it's server's problem?why do you even answer
  6. can you hurry up to fix that??????why you are always so slow,what are you doing now?half of the server can't log at the moment..how the fuck every time a fucking problem will appear from nothing,what are you doing with that server...jesus christ
  7. 2300 cr for minimal and 15k+ conquest
  8. gucci


    yea im diabolique...ok
  9. gucci


    can you tell me a reason to bug abuse? and yes,i saw how you farm ppl...you farm so much that i farmed you easily...and i didnt say that you play shitty in 2s,you do nothing on 3v3 too :D you are same shit in all brackets it does,you are mentally retarded if you play with abuser on purpose and when he doesnt play with abusers,he just got rekt by randoms,thats all
  10. gucci


    if you are really good,shall you play with abusers on a purpose?to gain rating by fair way?why someone has to play with abusers and to abuse bugs like 90 lvl talents...i can't get that,especially a retail shaman :D ,I just can't get the fact that a 2.9 exp retail shaman came in russian private server and plays with abusers and even he abuses bugs...why?can you tell me a reason
  11. gucci


    gg you played with russian abuser,gg retail shaman,keep it going
  12. gucci


    have you ever seen how shitty he plays?i don't care about his cr or exp,even if he is blizzcon winner,he is fucking bad lol.so you are telling me that i win retail glad shaman on 2v2/3v3?nvm,fuck the wins,he will say it's luck or some shit. okay...he is 2.9 retail shaman who abused 90 lvl talents and bind elemental,because...idk...just he came from retail and he wanted to abuse some bugs,because he is good
  13. gucci


    please...don't say that...you are too shitty to talk about retail experience...
  14. gucci


    still better than 2s,it's hard to defeat tsg,but it's not impossible..
  15. Zeox,can you tell me what do you think about my suggestions?Is it possible to make some of them available?
  16. 1. remove unban option or make it more expensive since almost everyone can donate and unban easily 2. remove the 7 days option for selling characters since we have to /AFK in-game,make it to sell 550+ only or 3-4 days in-game; there are many characters like http://imgur.com/a/dqWJb in the website... 3. 5. it would be nice if we can transfer bonuses somehow 6. put an option to rename guild/profession upgrade 7. Increase the ban time if you don't want to remove the option,because everybody can unban for 1 month,or at least make every ban for 30 days,not some for 3 days,or make it 1-2 weeks,but without unban option... 8. about vote:can you make it to get 10 bonuses just by clicking on 1 link?there is such voting way in another private servers,because sometimes I vote on all links and I don't get bonuses,sometimes i get 7-8 bonuses,instead of 10
  17. I think it's not hard to fix the vendor...just add the items like you did it with http://db.pandawow.me?npc=70108/roo-desvin for http://db.pandawow.me?item=103128/prideful-gladiators-plate-chestpiece (example)
  18. http://db.pandawow.me?npc=70436/blacktalon-quartermaster So the quest for the Legendary back was bugged since the GM's obviously didn't test if when they add it, so now players who had finished the quest last week and begining of this one have wrong cloaks in their bags. Since we had no choice and we got the wrong one's they should now add the vendor. The only way to get the right cloaks now is by buying it from the vendor. P.S Next time when you add quest/npc,test it,because now half of the server have the wrong cloak...no matter which back we choose,we all got this one with intellect.DPS players got the one with intellect it's for x100 realm anyways , my question is can you tell me if you are trying to fix it or can you fix it soon?
  19. edit:the current rating now is 2285 and the price is reduced to 720+%
  20. Name: Littleangel realm:xFun description:he uses teleport hack,as you can see,he came to our base before the battleground started,after that he kills players with dominate mind;you can see his stats in the scoreboard and how i'm dead proofs: http://imgur.com/IcYFS1W , http://imgur.com/l7RpJtv , http://imgur.com/zq6dwxx
  21. hello,admins,i dont know what do you ban according to http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=187428 or just the "anti-cheat system",but still every day i see pqr warriors on every arena..just saying..and srsly 3 days ban punishment is like to get banned and just go to watch a movie and your ban expired..who can't remove ban for 3 days?or even for 1 week.i dont know a shit about cheats,the point is that everybody is cheater in that server and your punishment system for that is very bad...oh wait,nvm,ignore me,it's better to instant fix origami http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=192418 or put a useful dueling zone in x100 realm..you will lose players if your system will be like that,if you can't afford strong anti - cheat system,at least ban the cheaters for longer time or permanently/IP,because everybody can donate and uses cheat on secondary account..maybe you will lose players,because they use cheats,but at least the game will be fair
  22. WTS female dwarf shaman with resto spec,2200 cr ,have spirit of conquest + bloody dancing steel,2 proffs on max,full gems and enchants + glyphs, 2 char bound mounts (PVP) name: Badufirstko price: 770+%
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