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  1. This "macro" was an "bug" on retail and it wasnt supposed to work like that. No reason to add even more bugs to this server sry
  2. thahahah he get his tips from bahjeera ... no wonder that ur that bad xD
  3. Push til fixed
  4. He will wintrade at the end of the season anyways
  5. You should add to the report that you also don't get a procc when you use inferno blast in reflect.
  6. /fix ? maybe ? sometime ?
  7. Did you really try to roast people ? wow let me tell you that you failed hard.
  8. Is it so hard to get a point ?
  9. noneedmlg


    Isn't that what he always did ?
  10. noneedmlg


    no please dont crash the forums ...
  11. Pandawow glad here .. (oh jk not even that )
  12. Compare Mitchjones Community with Trillebartom ones. Mitchjones is a Huge troll like rly ( the biggest one lel ) So is his Community --> pure cancer If trille streams ( even if he has only 1.5k viewer) You barely see someone insulting / trolling there. Why ? because the role model is different.
  13. People who are active for 2 weeks in this forum don't know shit yet ;D you have to learn so much ^^. Everything you say is just according to ur theory that its the players fault that it is how it is. But okay i'll remind you : you can't deny that because it's true.
  14. i thought i made my point clear enough in my last big post. Yes it is Pandawow's fault they have to act like they want to make this server fixed otherwise people won't even make the effort to help them in any ways.
  15. noneedmlg


    why, you wanna crash the pandawow server now with ur 1.5 mmr screens ? :rofl_mini: :rofl_mini: :rofl_mini: :rofl_mini: :rofl_mini: :rofl_mini:
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