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Everything posted by BroLockoli

  1. This is the actual intend of any wintrader with a brain. They know they will get banned. The main issue still stands that they can offer rating as they desire to "non wintraders" aka their other accounts characters. I mean you have a pic with a r1 title in your signature, pretty sure someone like that would and should know... But who knows maybe you are just the second forum account of chainzrow the most oblivious tard out there.
  2. Pls need more information i really need to see. Has he at least gladiator title for 2k?
  3. Oh yea i'm so upset about a 1day bann. Kappa Let me know when you found someone that likes you tiggar, excluding wintrading tryhards. Haven't you realized yet that you, you yourself are infact, the cancer? Try to selfreflect one night when you turn off your computer, sit down and think about yourself. Are you, tiggar, providing anything at all to this community? Are you helpful in any way other than bothering and wasting the time of forum mods to bann people that got your moms spaghetti a little upsetti?
  4. They got enlightened by cancer and therefore they got cancer
  5. https://i.gyazo.com/4fc5732295d1a56210cc7241e4b19653.png
  6. speak english kk thx
  7. Auf Fun gab es 1-2 deutsche Gilden, war aber nie in einer also weiss ich die Namen leider nicht. Man stosst aber schnell auf Deutsche im Chat finde ich. :)
  8. ooooh the irony it hurts....... why do you even bother logging between your forum accounts which both have the same shitty attitude?
  9. :mocking:
  10. got to go *real life. not every member has the time in his life to make you aware of what you should be aware of yourself.
  11. What do you wan't to see? i don't get it there are a SHITTON of "proofs" in the forums. Do you need official videos from retail where you see that you will LOSE RATING when you don't join an arena? is that what you are asking me? please tell me
  12. Are you FUCKING kidding me? Are you actually serious? There are alot of smarter people on here and you mods like Answer have the igonrance to not even look into LINKED reports in your OWN forum since you don't even look into them yourself? what the fuck are you even obligated to? banning people who want to improve the server? good job! Yea go ahead and ignore english section completely and fix FUCKING retarded NPCS quests and achievments no one gives a shit about. FACTS are FACTS and you don't DO SHIT go ahead! do what you need to do spam your "wall of no" INSTEAD OF TELLING US WHY YOU prioritize like the biggest FUCKING morons good day sir http://i.imgur.com/mObXY.gif
  13. if you are low geared and he uses potions flask etc like pujo this is legit
  14. PLS push....this spell is so fucking bugged.. no matter what you do it spam silences a whole football field
  15. push* especially since this mostly happens against warriors, so every game.
  16. Yea agree recruit nemifest! This dk disgusts me. Even playing 3s with his scrub scripts.
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