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Everything posted by Machmollox

  1. I think actually there are no good warriors as back in 2k17.
  2. I wrote wrong in the report, but it was areadly fixed with 20%, just wait for server update.
  3. Why do you still in here? go back to wowfreakz.
  4. Dont take this guy word's serious, he shouldnt even be playing at pandawow, look the thread where he got perma banned by zeox: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=221648 Also, not banable, not even a proof that its a bug.
  5. sv is dead
  6. "Most balanced ones" LETS PLAY LSD! Nice, now every server is gonna need to play WWLS WLS, Thunder and WMS to snipe you - - - Updated - - - When people come from retail, or they play WWLS or LSD, impressive
  7. its able to get feared areadly, but with Howl of terror and with Fear by itself its possible.
  8. Name of the violators: Skriller, Paradiise, Chinbinha, Veleza, Asfasfsfssas Realm of the violators: Fun Reason: Wintrading Proofs: http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=6054930&realm=3&type=1 3v3 Match ids 150427 150374 150363 150353 150349 150341 150333 176815 176777 176734 176656 176629 176608 176587 176559
  9. Do you guys even readed both guides to see its different? Nice guide tbh, i still prefer Thrill of the Hunt instead of Fervor.
  10. Dobrovolec; Toteam; Hlbf; Штыкк; Pfeile; Egoponeforis; 3v3 Match IDS 134332 134277 134213 133574 133543 133498 133473 133436 133425 131936 131917 131900
  11. Machmollox


    also they fixed Icicles too, would be a good fix, equal to flameglow
  12. Those players has been areadly banned, would like to ask for their rating reset. Thanks http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=220596 Allmights, Nariell, Shakeblack, Pvpshoot, Teupaiecorno, Calanguinho, Hassassino, Mechupatøda, Fullaids, Xuliana
  13. You could even link some match ids to help gms
  14. Machmollox


    LSD is totally nerfed now, elemental is nerfed, lock missing soulink on pets, nightfall proc gets affected by dampening, rdruid getting 160k slams on bear form yes, wmx
  15. Name of the wintraders group: Allmights, Nariell, Shakeblack, Pvpshoot, Teupaiecorno, Calanguinho, Hassassino, Mechupatøda, Fullaids, Xuliana Realm: Fun Reason: Wintrading, faced them 1 time full nude on arena, then decided to check logs, they wintrade in 3s / 2s too. Proofs: Arena public logs : http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=5091518&realm=3&type=1 Comments, Brazilian players group, it could be even a reason for wintrade rofl match id that i faced them: 129743 Update, some match id's that proov the wintrades, 3s matches 129818 129731 129714 129695 129663 129649 Update 2, some 2v2 matches id from the cp that i linked again 69154 69111 69098 69008 68876 68834
  16. Both of them were off D: now x100 is on, next is xfun - - - Updated - - - Nvm, its back
  17. It might be server update too for the weekend ^^ why always thinking negative.
  18. It might be friday cap reset, just be patient. They are probabbly reseting server.
  19. Not even lsd players want to que against this bugged wms, not just this, abusing tunneling pet w/o soul link and scripting, im out from 3s while this, pce
  20. What about fix the NPC where u can get 550 gear for honor after reaching 27000 conquest in the season? ^^
  21. As zeox said, thread started with useless shit
  22. LF Jergermaster to close the topic, edit message and say "If u think he broke rules, go report area", like he does with noneed. And delete second topic too.bb
  23. When you flare and a rogue vanishes / goes stealth, if he walks into it lower than 2 secs after, he gets infinite stealth for the rest of the game unless he uses stealth again.
  24. Tier 1 on pandawow Lock/Shaman/x Warrior/Shaman/x Warrior/Mage/x Rogue/mage/x Bye
  25. yooooooooooo
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