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Everything posted by Machmollox

  1. u guys triggered about pujo so hard lol just ignore his account
  2. Almost all forum active players are areadly there, so nvm - - - Updated - - - http://image.prntscr.com/image/a7fc01a2059a493690e20c1a2a1e87e9.png Who did toxic spread got banned, to come back only after getting public apologizes in this thread.
  3. You guys get triggered so ez, i love this forums
  4. Oh doing fake accounts to trying to offtopic? sad and yes, nationality different from gender, fk gheys
  5. Every comb with mage lol, And ye u played MageLD WMageS RMageD, EleMageDru, ye, this is ur credibility, carried by mages
  6. I have to agree, weird that all classes that win their w/o any tryhard = bugged (in their mind) Well, what about fixing the mages then. oh wait u get carried by his bugs u just dont report it. And yes, this report seems fake Also, stop shittalking russians, vennzy came here saying the truth and you just shittalk his nationality, seems that your is the toxic one Even hating awbeex i have to agree with him, to all gays, no im not deffending him
  7. only now i understood lol
  8. Sadly our friend Jergeimaster closed the thread, different from mine wich stills oppened. What a corrupt gm)
  9. Djmerci areadly sent me at first time the link, long time ago, when sazzi was asking for orbbots for pandawow, sadly i dont have anymore, but i can ask for both of them for the links Edit 1, they sent me some links: Edit 2, for the lazy ladies Removed the link due scripts sharing
  10. "Hated". Only people who hates me are you and the digger nick squad. I can log right now and i cant count how many people will whisp me calling me for arena or just to talk. Your and your friends opinion are just irrelevant at all - Dont try to joke it out about wintrade, you lost your title due to wintrade. So talk more :)
  11. Djmerci exposed him a long time ago, but at that time he was looking for a orb bot. Sad, players like him still think they are good and still dare to trashtalk people
  12. I thought its server delay, nvm
  13. I was thinking the same, i had a lot of problems with Ring of frost too, frozing me out of this range, ive got about 10 screenshots of this happening, maybe its just visual
  14. to reset achievments they should fix the 27000 conquest points in arena season, to farm the 550 items by honor then. if no, i wouldnt agree with that
  15. Thanks pandawow http://i.imgur.com/uqBUPUx.jpg http://i.imgur.com/6FImOY1.jpg
  16. maybe not on space, try on pandawow xD
  17. He told you guys about the DK + blink interaction bug?
  18. a mainly warrior's bug has been areadly discovered and fixed, its not that much bugged anymore, but demos still weird. Ye i can find few warrior bugs, but first i gotta take mages one. As ive said, all the digger nick squad insta came is this an orgy?
  19. Name of the spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=33395/freeze Whats bugged: When you use http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=33395/freeze on 2 targets behind each other, and one of them is immune to any effects, you generate 2 ice lance procs. Even with only 1 sucessfull root applyed. How it should be: Should generate ice lance charge only from http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=33395/freeze Affected targets. Priority 11/10 - It makes comps like RMD, to get 2x ice lance procs if you freeze a cloned target. Tested on: Cross server Date when you tested it: Today 04/10/2017 Comments: To all mage deffensers, Digger nick squad, id like to say, i will catch every mage bug until you get stuck into 2.2 again
  20. excessive bumping on bug tracker threads can generate you a ban
  21. Name of the Spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108503/grimoire-of-sacrifice Whats bugged: When you use http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108503/grimoire-of-sacrifice before you enter in arena, when you summon your pet inside arena it get born with 1 hp, anytime you cast it inside arena, it will always get born with 1 hp How it should be: Grimmoire of sacrifice should not affect warlock's pet HP when summoned. ( Should always be summoned with 100% hp) Priority of the bug: 10/10 - If you get tunned, or even dotted, you cant even summon your pet because it will die instantly When it was tested: 04/08/2017 Server: Cross server. ( World seems fine)
  22. Areadly fixed the server i think
  23. I areadly ended more than 12 games before it should and both teams loose rating cuz o 60% damp end game
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