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Everything posted by Noneedholyban

  1. Funny thing is, even tho blaston get farmed everytime when srs people que, you wont steal his rating. He is losing 20 and after hes in que for the next 4 hours just to get his points back. LOL
  2. Amazing ! You are just .. idk .. AMAZING http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=178119&highlight=noneedholy This mods :clapping: :facepalm: Ye sorry but educate urself ffs
  3. 1. Account name, which has been stolen --> Erminwow 2. The realm (x10/x100/Fun) --> Fun 3. Nickname(s) of your stolen character(s) --> Tinyrabbit 4. E-mail, which was registered by above account --> Erminwow3@gmail.com 5. The time of your last visit to the game. Write seperate dates and time for each account / character Yesterday till 12 PM GMT +2 i was last time online on my Warrior. On my druid probs. longer ago. 6. Your IP-address --> Well ill not make my IP public. As soon as a GM respond i gonna PN him my IP. 7. Nicks of people who can attest to the fact that you are the owner of the stolen account / character : Repitchx Deepoxy realznk djfreez farmerx baztwo/ tinybaz bananasplit samuelito snaregodqt whereâreyûat wazbrotha. should be enough for first. 8. Evidence: screenshots of the stolen character(s), common data that you think could help us (date of purchase items, characters, any services from CP etc.) Screenshots ? That one was taken like 1 week ago ( not even i guess ) screens about purchase ? No. http://i.imgur.com/W3gGOQW.jpg 9. If you have another accounts on our server, indicate them and 1-2 characters on them. I do actually. Acc name : herbalism 10. A detailed description of the problem Well after i went off yesterday someone obviously logged into my account and sold my alt resto druid. And now i didnt give someone my account details. I also wanted to ask if theres a chance you can make the IP from that i sold my druid "public". It's my Account so i guess i can decide that. Thanks in advance :)
  4. So ill write that here in the russian section because u've to react fast. I guess noone gives a flying fck about the english forum so yeah. My account (acc name : Erminwow ) got hacked. I had luck that the guy was totally braindead and only sold my 2nd druid and not my war or smth. Anyways changes password already but as i see this guy is playing atm on my character means it's possible to get his ip & his main acc also. I would like to know WHEN did i sold my Character and from WHICH ip i sold my DRUID ( It's my account and so i think i can give you the permission to post the IP in public :) ) Anyways that's all what i want for now. And about that hacking problem yeah .... i guess you know that i try to get my char back now ;). Thanks in advance and if im in the wrong section, move the topic please.
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