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Everything posted by Affliwara

  1. Thank you and thank everyone who feed back in such short notice, glad community has players with such attitude. I managed to fix it. Don't download addons that don't support 5.4 patch ;)
  2. My PC can pretty much run any game on this Planet with no doubts )) , I tried repairing my character, same happens, I tried deleting all of my addons, same thing happens, I've been around for a month or two game was pretty much smooth as it could get and now I just cant get rid of this random freeze EDIT: Problem solved, do not download sArena addon to avoid this issue. Cheers
  3. Hellouu. I ran into a big problem, I don't know why it starts to occurs now. When I enter WoW, Login, as soon as my character is loaded my WoW freezes, literally nothing you can do, I can hear the sound, but screen is frozen, the I have to Task Manager and End Process, does anyone know how2solve this problem?
  4. Look, don't start other subject on this post, don't flood with irrelevent stuff. On the video, you can clearly see, that this guy spams his ICebound Fortitude and Anti Magic Shell, if you think it's glyph and trinket, then check when he casts them, that guy is a scripter. Hope some GM will look into this post real soon and ban this guy. If ask me, perma or don't ban at all.
  5. Look, I did not begin my wow journey on this server =) I think somehow hes doing scripts thru /Macro panel, you can see whenever he casts Anti Magic Shell he casts another spell, both duration of 5 seconds, this is not trinket, even if it was trinket, he could not spam the spells with zero cooldown, this is called "Scripting" =))
  6. Name of the violator (if the name contains alt-code, try to copy it from your game chat). -Избавитель Realm, where you saw the violation. -FUN Description of the violation (write please in english and very clearly and understandably). -How should I call this? I'm facing this for the first time, CD hack? Spell Hack? You should write what the violation is because it will be easier for the administrator or chat moderator to understand what to look for on the proof material. -Caught him in Orgrimmar, attacking people and somehow abusing/hacking his spells cooldowns to 0. Proof: screenshots or video. - With pleasure. https://youtu.be/r3xkyy2uOPQ Comments to the situation (if it needed). -NOTE:EDIT: I just copied the name from other guy reports, since it's the same guy we were facing. Is this perma ban? I think if it is then I'll do this reports more often to clear the server from abusive players and cheaters as much as I can.
  7. Hey, I have addon called Vialcooldowns, I track enemy CDs by pressing CTRL+V , I'm gonna upload a video of me facing hacker just like this guy, and on video tape you can see his spells are on cooldown but he uses them ANYWAY. So it's not trinket, people abuse game in many way, some of them get punished, some sneak.
  8. Yea thats the struggle I've been worried about, but in this case, abusers It doesnt need to be 30secs, max to 10 would be okay, 50mb for 10 seconds not bad huh ))
  9. Aight, nice to know that I won't be only one whos reporting them, DAILY :D :D
  10. All thats cool, like the server, its not pay2win, gearing process takes some effort and time, all manageable, but you wont find many players like myself, the only thing I do everytime I log is BGs, just BGs, facing these abusers and believe me, I face them alot, really ruins my mood to play here =)
  11. My god man, they're that many HUH!? I wonder If I wanna stay n play here now, you threw me into big DOUBT!
  12. Well, from now on, I'm playing BGs with Fraps, have binded Start/Pause, so if those reports I've made get declined, next ones going with video proof. It's just obvious those who abuse such thing, they know they wont get ban by screenshot, so thats why they /laugh at you when you point them out they're being reported. Report requirement should've been simple, cause you can see whether screenshot is edited or not. By the way, losing 10th BG in arow wish me luck x)
  13. Maybe because of "requirements to be 100% valid report" this server has so many abusers, don't you think so? I'm pretty sure you've been high level admin somewhere, and we both know, based on this screenshot, it's obvious, that they can manage to punish those that've been reported.
  14. My screenshot does not need chat time, neither classcolor, because I do not report people for insulting or for being vulgar, I report them for abusing items/buffs which you can clearly see in the screenshot, THERES NO REASONS for time in chat, class colors, chat background n stuff, I'm pretty sure my post is aight according to why am I reporting them for.
  15. I don't care man, I'm just tired of replying for nosense argument over my post, which was made obviously according to the forum rules and at the end, you seek something we all know not gonna happen instead to "take what you get" okay, I'm tryina play the game and checking here to see if an GM is about to check it and see the results if it endup with ban or if it endup me stopping with reports and simply zero fucks giving, okay, cheers man.
  16. According to the post made by staff, I used it in this post which states: " Specify the following: Name of the violator (if the name contains alt-code, try to copy it from your game chat). Realm, where you saw the violation. Description of the violation (write please in english and very clearly and understandably). You should write what the violation is because it will be easier for the administrator or chat moderator to understand what to look for on the proof material. Proof: screenshots or video. Comments to the situation (if it needed)." Now you endup saying my chat has no class colors, I have no addon for chat time and I'm here sitting like "Is this guy serious?" I like my chat the way it is, I don't like class colors, these guys I report DONT write they use /e f.example /laugh. Theres no reason, to spam this thread anymore, I apprecitate your concern, but it's not YOUR DUTY neither YOUR JOB do justify my posts or what I write. Cheers.
  17. Man I don't care about fraps, about CHAT TIME okay, I reported this guy once already, and went vs him tonight again. I made legit REPORT, now its up to GMs. And you should stop deffending these abusive trashes, the way you do it is to deny every report thread they recieve, by some stupid "time in chat" lol, just stop replying to my posts kid, goaway.
  18. So you decided to flood my thread with irrelevent stuff that everyone know about. Goaway.
  19. Name of the violator - Allkon-Fun Realm, where you saw the violation. FUN Description of the violation (write please in english and very clearly and understandably). Free Living Action Potion with infinite duration, You should write what the violation is because it will be easier for the administrator or chat moderator to understand what to look for on the proof material. Proof: screenshots or video.http://imgur.com/KpuvLHN Comments to the situation (if it needed). People love it these days don't they.
  20. Yea at that bare moment I went to upload the screenshots and making double thread because of smartasses like yourself I lost the opportunity to have that satisfaction. Now, since very first moment you came brag on my threat, and doubt in my knowledge, feel free to "walk away" from it.
  21. Look man, the BG was over, at that moment, if I knew that laziness of GMs that don't bother typing the name by themselves after looking at screenshot I would get it done. I just realized how things work here, to be honest, IDGAF anymore, let the kids run BGs with abusive items n stuff. This was mine last try to report someone for abusing. Cheers
  22. You could not do that in a Battleground, which is where I faced him, he even refused to write and did /emote. Else I would've done that and skip all this drama DUUUUUUH.
  23. "-> "See name on the screenshot", "you can see all on the screenshot" and so on - it's not a description. Everything schould be described in your complaint." Okay so, from my point of view, I gave all infos that GM WOULD need, to punish the guy who abused, 2nd, how many times, I have to write this, how do you want, me, to write his name, in latin letter, when I hae no fucking clue what his name means?!
  24. Name of the violator - I can't spell/write it I don't DO CYRILICS, YOU CAN SEE IT'S NAME AT THE SCREENSHOTS (2x). Realm, where you saw the violation. FUN Description of the violation (write please in english and very clearly and understandably).Guy uses Free Action Potion with infinite duration on it and spit on people. You should write what the violation is because it will be easier for the administrator or chat moderator to understand what to look for on the proof material.Living Action Potion with infinite duration. Proof: screenshots or video.http://imgur.com/a/uJDGf Comments to the situation (if it needed). P.S You can see his name in these two screenshots.
  25. Are you kidding me right now? So since you can't get the name of violator anymore the report will get denied. I pointed out, that you can clearly see his name in these two screenshots, I'm pretty sure theres some GM that is Russian and can understand this guy's name by looking into screenshot. Gonna make another thread, hopefully you don't come there spreading some "How2Do" with your stupidity "So since you can't get the name of violator anymore the report will get denied.", when you said this, I literally felt like your deffending the guy and telling me that my report is gonna get denied just because I don't have understandment of Russian language.
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