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Everything posted by Affliwara

  1. Name of the violator (I cant spell it because its on cyrilics). Realm, where you saw the violation. FUN Description of the violation (write please in english and very clearly and understandably).Guy uses Free Action Potion with infinite duration on it and spit on people. You should write what the violation is because it will be easier for the administrator or chat moderator to understand what to look for on the proof material. Proof: screenshots or video.http://imgur.com/a/uJDGf Comments to the situation (if it needed). P.S You can see his name in these two screenshots.
  2. People seem to abuse this thing alot??? It happens alot, I am a guy that only does BGs and I face people like this guy almost EVERYDAY, I just wanna know one thing, am I doing this report for nothing? I don't wanna waste my time here writting on this thread if you guys are not doing anything about it, no offense, but my time is precious =) http://imgur.com/a/uJDGf
  3. I have just read your replies, I think it's time to have mine =) I'd suggest, to give us crossfaction BGs, just because out of 40 BGs I've done yesterday, I won like 10x, I'm playing horde and if I can share with you, everyday is like this, play total 50 BGs you'll manage MAYBE to win 10/15/20. Everyone gone Ally/Humans cause of the racial and it's quite hard to win the BGs when half of your group is from other realm (Which is in my opinion not a problem) undergeared or either ally made premade que with full prideful members and thats how it is ))
  4. Hello??? I just seen not that only me but other people post @forums to ban this guy Allkon, hes using bug infinite duration on Free Living Action Potion and being immune to all kind of CC, I post the topic already once but noone responded to it, I also left few screenshots as a proof on that topic and nothing happend on that subject, will you take action this time staff?
  5. So, is anybody gonna look at this? Recently Ive faced more of "this type" of players that become immune to any slow/stun effect, when I check their buffs, it's all legit, people abuse this alot and you guys are doing nothing about it.
  6. Name:Allkon /Dwarf shaman/ Realm:Fun Description: I run Battlegrounds at all the time and I face this guy many times and he has infinite/unlimited duration on his 'Action Potion'(Free Action) Also Sayge buffs, i do not know if Sayges are against the rules, but I'm pretty sure having infinite duration on action potion is. I have screenshot aswell, let me know if I have to upload it. Two screenshots: https://www.sendspace.com/filegroup/Auj9yoK4p04msMVD6ZNNIg Kind regards, Fxaxq.
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