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Everything posted by zeakey

  1. Realm : Xfun Nickname : Meldgg Armory: https://cp.pandawow.ru/armory/char-3-6354934.html Description of the violation : Queues solo 3s and just stands in shadowmeld until the game starts. And when it does he /afk so that the enemy team would get rating and free conquest points. Proof : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPU5h4_rvz8
  2. You actually may be right. Just tested on shadowlands. It doesnt break Paralysis when particle isn't directly casted by monk.
  3. 1. Chi resource 2. Chi expires extremely fast after leaving combat. PandaWoW x5 demo: https://imgur.com/c2tsiS0 Right after I left combat I lost my chi in 1 sec 3. It should expire after 10 sec once you leave combat like it does when you generate chi out of combat. *Please note that in combat chi should never expire that currently works correctly. Retail demo: a. 3:29 - Drop combat with 3 chi 3:39 - One chi expires after 10 sec leaving monk with 2 chi b. 1:03 - Drop combat with 1 chi 1:13 - One chi expires after 10 sec leaving monk with 0 chi 4. 08/05/2021 5. x5/xFun/xCross 6. 10/10 - due to how important it is to use Thunder Focus team that cost 1 chi after chain CC to avoid Silence blanket from mage/lock etc.
  4. Thank you for investigating that PvE example. Now please explain this in PvP setting. This example 2:12 Venruki consistantly getting hit for 9520 and 5416 and 8369. Once the INT buffs from Maldiva vanish all dots on Venruki got decreased to 8780, 4995 and crit 15436( meaning 7718 if not crit) In result of witch all dots got decreased simultaneously by ~8.5% after Int buffs expired.
  5. Indeed they have. That's where I got my timestamps from :D Please read before posting nonsense. Thank you.
  6. I am not sure what was the purpose of your reply. I stated nothing but facts backed up by timestamped retail 5.4.8 data. Next time when you try to ridicule someone's research please find decency to mention something worthwhile. Thank you.
  7. All I seen in these videos that dots are indeed dynamic. Check dots on mage before expiration of the insignia int boost at 2:12 . The dot damage for all of the the dots got significantly lower. Also previously stated by halta with timestamps and screen shots in open world: 2013, 5.4 Keep watching the 4th dummy. At 0:42 with full buffs, Agony does 14025 https://i.gyazo.com/8aef9d993684d7f14780c69fe8d56a75.png At 1:01, with no buffs present, and he hasn't touched the 4th dummy ever since the first soul swap, Agony lowers automatically and does 12328 https://i.gyazo.com/2aa5982fb512f192129af34d7a6190c2.png Soul-swapped DoT scaling should be dynamic. This is clearly the intended behaviour. So you have irrefutable proof that in open world/PvP dots were dynamic.
  8. 1. http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=115176 2. Roots currently interrupt the channel cast. Pandawow Demo: https://imgur.com/a/2AXfdCn 3. It should only break if you get CCed, silenced, kicked or hit by melee attack that does damage as it states in description. On retail you get rooted but it doesn't break the cast since roots aren't meant to interrupt. 4. fun/x100/x1 5. 8/10 - it is pretty sad that a 3 min CD spells gets wasted on a first root from a druid Trent or mage frost nova etc.
  9. 1. https://wow.gamepedia.com/Temple_of_Kotmogu 2. Currently doesn't reward 10point per killing blow 3. You should gain 10 victory points for every killing blow Proofs: https://imgur.com/E4EO1iD Retail demo: 4. Tested: 11/01/21 5. Realm: All 6. Priority: 8/10 - this map is pretty long due to this bug. After fix this map will be far more enjoyable for those who seek kills rather than carrying orbs.
  10. 1. https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=27827 2. When priest dies and gains Spirit Redemption aura it experiences further bugs: a) It can no longer be targeted. b) All buffs and proccs gets removed. c) Health doesn't follow the formula : If Y >= X then Current Priest HP X % - Killing Blow Y % = Spirit Remeption HP ( 100% + (X - Y)) Example: So lets say priest had 10% and got hit for 20% hp. So the Spirit Redemption HP is going to be = 100% + (10% - 20%) = 90%. But should not go below 1% during Spirit Redemption in case of Huge killing blows like Touch Of Death. 3. > 4. 09/01/21 5. x-cross / Fun / x-100 6. 7/10
  11. 1. https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=125154 2. Currently it only works for Roll while under https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=8326 debuff. While chi torpedo simply goes on cooldown when clicked without any action. pWoW demo: https://imgur.com/a/0l86wEY You can see chi torpedo getting cast however monk doesn't move :( 3. It has to work for chi torpedo just as well as it works for the Roll 4. fun/x100/x1 5. 4/10
  12. 1. https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115176/zen-meditation 2. After dismounting either from fly or ground mount on the actual ground and casting zen med right after it will immediately interrupt zen med :shock: The way I tested: a) Casting zen med while on mount - Failed b) Using "/dismount [mounted]" and then casting zen med - Failed c) Manually removing mount aura from buff pane and then casting zen med within 100ms - Failed 3. On retail there is a smooth interaction without any interrupts. Retail demo: https://imgur.com/a/R5DqzKt pWoW demo: https://imgur.com/a/QR7ovgp 4. fun/x100/x1 5. 5/10 - Not really that game breaking but can be annoying if you want to use that ability right of the mount in BG
  13. 1. All roots 2. After dispelling or breaking root with damage there is a short delay that prevents from displacing yourself after using 0 GCD charge abilities such as Roll, Chi torpedo. This may be a problem with other class charge abilities too that have 0 GCD. Similar problem was with Dominate Mind that prevented you from walking for short delay after aura removal. PandaWoW bug demo: 0:05 - Monk got rooted after which monk pressed dispel and roll after. Resulting rolling in one spot. 3. The bug that prevented us from using the ability in the root has been fixed long time ago. However, this seems to be a little oversight. 4.fun/x100/x1 5. 9/10 - this is pretty important due to the several complications it causes in PvP. a.) You cant effectively dispel and run away from a hunter trap. b.) You cant run away from 5 + people that are tailing you in Battle Ground when after every root that breaks or getting dispelled you roll in one place and getting killed after
  14. 1. https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115098/chi-wave 2. Currently only bounces 6 times instead of 7. Apparently it counts first cast as a bounce when it shouldn't. Retail Demo: Here you can clearly see there is 8 projectiles in total. Retail spell description is the same except for healing/damage value. Also some combat logs from MoP archives side by side dmg:healing bounce ratio. You can see 4 dmg and 4 healing projectiles. https://imgur.com/w67fnEs https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/ztQXGhWbmLDYjH8r#fight=56&type=healing&source=40&ability=132463&view=events 3. Should jump 8 times. 1st cast + 7 bounces. 4. fun/x100/x1 5. 6/10
  15. Why are you linking mechanics from EverQuest game? I thought we play World of Warcraft on here? :shock:
  16. I think that is legion. In legion you had 1kk+ HP and level 110. But yeah once again this dude proven wrong. Good job :D
  17. Haha busted! On 2:03 is exactly how it is right now on PandaWoW. So it is all gucci. This troll thread needs to be closed.
  18. This happens to many spells. Still happens on retail when two spells go through at the same time if timed within 50-200ms. Spell batching is a thing in all similar online games.
  19. Not it isn't visual. It physically keeps Monk at Z axis of Zen Med levitation point upon expiration, cancel, interruption or /stopcasting and you cant jump after. It doesn't happen all the time. But when it does it just ruins whole game play until you relog. Here is a demo of levitation after zen med bug: As you can see I cant jump over any obstacle the fence since it holds me on same Z axis.
  20. This Hunter obviously has never breached 2k rate before. Everyone on retail using that shit to control pets. That is why they have implemented a penalty buff https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=254250/determined in Legion to prevent that from happening too often. But unfortunately for this Hunt it wasn't a case on MoP :D
  21. True. There was fix in the past to implement correct pathing. And now this guy wants this bug to be return :crazy: Must be hard to land traps now since trap bot is traced now haha
  22. Bug is legit. Happened to me many time. Not sure if you guys would know how to fix it. Simplest fix would be just removing the levitating affix from the spell so it wouldn't mess up monk's Z coordinates upon stop channeling.
  23. 1. Healing sphere 2. Sometimes adding an additional GCD delay for no reason without any positive outcome. Padanwow demo: In this video you see me summoning 4 spheres. However, you can see that the Sphere GCD icon got triggered 5 times and not 4 alongside the other spells. However, 5th sphere never gone through even though it has triggered GCD. You can see that the other spells didn't go on GCD with that 5th GCD that got triggered specifically on Healing Sphere. You can also track the TrufiGCD spell tracker on top left corner under my portrait. I did notice that first 3 spheres triggered instantly while 4th one had a short delay in comparison to other 3. Also you can see slight (around 50-60ms) stutter GCD delay animation on healing sphere icon every time I use it. That wasn't case on retail. 3. There should be no GCD triggered without an actual spell cast. You can check this video as reference of how smooth and GCD stutter free healing sphere icon was back on retail mop: 4. fun/x100/x1 5. 9/10 - Considering this is a spamable ability in PvP. You can be potentially be spending way more GCDs for non equal amount of spheres.
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