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Everything posted by zeakey

  1. 1. https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115175/soothing-mist 2. https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115313/summon-jade-serpent-statue has regular boring beam animation 3. Should have same awesome Soothing mist animation as a monk. 4. 1/10 5. xfun\xCross
  2. Whole eminence is just messed up. even on player. I will upload retail videos on already existing reports. You may close this one for now.
  3. So I noticed that a lot of mounts can't be used in arenas or bgs. 90% of the serpent and flying mounts for example. Most of them are restricted. There are a few exceptions though. Like flying carpet for example. Is it possible to remove that restriction? It wont affect the game balance whatsoever. And will certainly make the game more enjoyable :) https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=243093
  4. Is an awesome spell that works great. Close
  5. Thanks all who participated! https://www.twitch.tv/videos/395362317 04:33:35 See you soon again next week! :)
  6. This is a reply to previous post for: https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=245390 1. https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=101643/transcendence and https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=119996/transcendence-transfer 2. Transcendence and transfer is a nature school spell on pandawow 3. Transcendence and transfer should be a physical school spell in patch 5.4.8 4.xFun/x100/xCross 5. 9/10 PS @Zeox "Declined. The only way to fix such things - proofs from retail MOP with videos, so then find a video where somebody kicks a transfer and monk doesn't receive school cooldown, other way we will not change mechanics with arguments "because on wowhead .... " etc." Dear Zeox, It isn't just on wowhead that it is stated that it is a physical school ability. But pretty much on all web-sources for wow for that time. Like this one for example :https://web.archive.org/web/20141226140033/https://www.wowdb.com/spells/119996-transcendence-transfer. There was never a single case when one school gets kicked and the other one tags along with it. But I accept you challenge regardless the obvious. And I am truly amazed that you actually want me to find videos of people kicking this ability as if retail was infested with kickbots like pandawow is... However I decided to go the other way around since clearly it would take me ages looking for something that doesn't exist since I know for a fact how this ability worked since I played MoP retail. Video Proof#: 3:12 monk gets https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=57994/wind-shear kicked. You can see on his skill bar that all of his nature abilities have been locked except for the physical ones. Such as: Roll, Pralysis, Disarm, Spear Hand Strike, Fortifying Brew, all of the melee attack skills and the most important one TRANSCENDENCE: TRANSFER. Based on these findings. Conclusion is that Transcendence and Transfer are not nature spells :) If you could look in to this once again that would be really appropriated.
  7. 1. https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115175/soothing-mist 2. At the momemnt it is just continues green beam without anything. 3. Missing 4-6 sparks around the beam moving repeatedly towards healed target. Kinda like https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=235155/malefic-grasp#changelog 4. 1/10 5. xfun\xCross
  8. It should also Serpent kick to the target when summoned. Basically it needs to reach it very fast. And not just by simply walking up to the target like it is at the moment.
  9. 1. https://wowwiki.fandom.com/wiki/Dominate_Mind 2. Roots people in place for a short while completely disabling the purpose of any charge abilities(Roll, Torpedo, Charge, Serpent Kick, Disengage, Leap etc.) 3. Shouldn't keep you in place once the affect has perished. 4. fun/cross 5. From the beginning 6. 9/10 ( u need to get away from priest as soon as but that is impossible due to this bug) Video demonstration:
  10. Hello community, Today at 11pm server time, mostly guild "Point Break" will host a few rated BG sessions. Feel free to gather your own team against them or you can just wisp one of the guild members to invite you in. They gather 20 people and then split in to two teams. Then they randomly roll for the mdps, rdps and healers. So there wouldn't be an unfair advantage. For more questions join their discord channel: https://discord.gg/wFPru2 or just PM me
  11. It actually isnt 3rd party soft. You get stuck in air on the same altitude level of a cannon after you use it for some reason. Altho he still deserves punishment for exploiting this bug by going and dpsing in the air.
  12. Why do i have to be the fat neckbeard one :(
  13. Wuvius stop doing lame raids and go do rated bgs with us!
  14. Just wanted to make sure you banned his monk and not his mage. When I released a report about him he renamed from Liquidcityx to Feelgodx and made a ban dummy mage character with the original Liquidcityx name. Feelgodx is back running on the street so he is definitely not banned. If he paid of his ban it's all great. However, if you banned a wrong account please ban the Feelgodx account this time with double the punishment due to trying to prevent the course of justice. In Game name: Feelgodx xFUN Armory Profile link: https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-3320345.html When: 2019-03-02 14:19 Match ID:13904 Accusation: Orb botting Video evidence: 4:23 5:45
  15. 1.Jade Spirit- https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=74724/enchant-weapon-jade-spirit Spirit of Conquest - https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=98164/enchant-weapon-spirit-of-conquest 2. Only damage aspect skills like chi wave, spinning crane kick, tiger strike, blackout kick, jade lighting, expel harm etc. proc the enchant. With an exception of Surging mist, Uplift and Revival. 3. All healing abilities should have a chance to proc the enchant. Such as Renewing mist ticks, Healing spheres, Mastery spheres, Soothing mist, Enveloping mist, Chi torpedo, Healing elixir, Eminence healing, Jade statue healing, etc. 4. 9/10 5. xfun\xCross Video demonstration: You can see wep enchant procing from Uplift 100% and Chi Wave 100%. But nothing from Soothing Mist, Renew, Enveloping mist, Healing Sphere, Etc... Kinda of think of it, it seems to be that https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=103506/prideful-gladiators-insignia-of-dominance has exactly the same situation. Shall i make a report about that too?
  16. Once one of the staff members shows up all of the trolling immediately stops. God bless @Pella!
  17. There is a ban avoidance penalty? I didn't know that lol
  18. 3 month unban is almost 3000 coins. Name change 100. So if 3000/100= 30 times you can get away with a crime. Its
  19. In Game name now: Showcoffee - he changed it due to public player report practice. Ex name: Noneedwpe xFUN Armory Profile link: https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-5444186.html When: 2019-03-03 16:30 Match ID: 17174 Accusation: Orb botting Video evidence: 6:09 13:05 13:39 14:11 Ps. Allow anonymous player reports or please read reports properly next time. I provided Match ID and the armory link with a time stamp for a good reason. So I am baffled that you weren't able to find out that he changed his name. Please PM if you want me to show you how.
  20. Open world PvP allows you to use PVE gear. Ofcourse you gonna do a lot more damage that way. Do normal pvp like arenas or bgs. Pve gear isn't powerful there at all.
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