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Everything posted by Bunaseara

  1. HAHAAHAHAH SURE I WILL MOM, BTW NICE NOSE U FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT, why dont you make a nose surgery ugly bitch no offense mom but you are ugly as fuck. i still love you and your adopted son kappa. by the way nice necklace, did you steal it?
  2. HAHAHAHA noneed trusted the Net one more time. You realize that thread was the biggest bait that i could do? stay mad, i'll fuck monika forster till she passes out XD - - - Updated - - - ofc i would change, saw your opinion, had to kms. tbh i feel bad for Monika :( your mom is a great woman. - - - Updated - - - HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA LEGEND
  3. weegee you got great prom picture m7+1.
  4. never trust the internet, sadly you do... i feel sorry for your parents he he
  5. you don't have to capitalize "i" fat greasy ginger wannabe mod here, lol gtfo cancer.
  6. you're* btw he is retard bulgarian that sucks everyone's dick here 24/7.
  7. you are the worst stop typing cunt, i hope you die from cancer and ur family too and i would spit on their graves. drunk mofo
  8. you said it homie, props to you!
  9. monika is mad too for raising a cunt like him, sadly
  10. atleast i dont have the gross gore's nose like you lolol, you tell me that i get beaten up xD? bruh, look at yourself you are the skinniest creature on this planet lol, i'd twist ur words. [ATTACH=CONFIG]112234[/ATTACH] you mad? btw, you got sexy grandma imo.
  11. does monika approve this bug? she ugly af
  12. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL is that you on the avatar? XDD you look like a fucking syrian isis member imo, you remind me of a guy in class who had the "swag" thing and got bullied and he didnt have any hair on his body except his moustache lmao, i bet the same thing happens to you so u hit the gym and you don't succeed there either. fucking syrian allahu akbar member LOOOOL go bomb some school - - - Добавлено - - - advantage* oooo syrian isis member cant speak english, im sorry - - - Добавлено - - -
  13. team name : the 3 ugly musketeers team leader : justin bieber with scarf a.k.a nazi lord noneed (nice scarf btw mate, would rate 9/11) name of the players : Repitchx (acne god), Noneed (motorola selfie master, hairstyle master aswell) http://imgur.com/CLEpOeX. comps : gay threesome [ATTACH=CONFIG]112107[/ATTACH] I MEAN THEY ARE 2 AND THEY CAN STLL RECK ALL 3v3 COMPS, EVEN THO THEY GO 2v3, they'll win by being ugly 4life, that's their mlg luck
  14. go neck yourself fucking son of a bitch, you are uneducated.. im from narnia and english isn't my 1st nor 2nd nor 100th and atleast i know basic english, so before you type something make sure u take english lessons (jk, u are poor af). and yeah, you don't have the right to comment on threads because you are stupid af and you don't know english lmao, i bet you are 25 and your life sucks, no doubt.
  15. your english makes me slit my anus tbh, you talk about god and shit like that meanwhile you don't have jack shit about pressing SPACEBAR after the comma nor after dot and not to mention your grammar jeeeez. Your questions should be ignored btw, it amazes me how pujo is shitting on you two lmfao.
  16. Evilgoddess that kind of guy that goes on holiday with 4 condoms and returns home with 6 condoms. oh i forgot that was meant to be for repitchx LOOL
  17. shut the fuck up you uneducated piece of shit, go to hell fucking muslim isis.
  18. shut up you jew nazzi faggot lord nice radiator btw, cunt. and yeah kapa45 you are terrorist aswell i hope you die from cancer too for making this thread, fucking isis motherfucker. go fuck your siblings keek and i thought pujo was retarded and stupid but then i saw this "evilgodess" or whatever is that shit muslim name anyway. you're god damn right allah doesnt exist... and the main reason im writing this is that im saying out loud that EVERY MUSLIM IS TERRORIST AND SHOULD GO TO HELL, LIKE EVERY MUSLIM SHOULD GO TO HELL idc, you are disgrace on this planet fucking isis muslims i hope north korea launches them fucking nukes and bomb the shit out of you fucking muslims arabic pieces of shit. felxprod you are right, muslims=terrorists=isis=illuminati. and evilgoddes i hope you die from cancer soon fucking pice of shit, filthy old muslim bastard you can't even have sex cuz you are too ugly lololol, i imagine you like[ATTACH=CONFIG]111805[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]111806[/ATTACH] go wank on something that's impossible @ the porn industry, kek. and i hope you drop the soap in jail one day and you get fucked by some gorilla nigger.
  19. Bunaseara


    stfu nigger, biggest nigger in this server?
  20. fuck you you fucking mormo imbecil, your mom is a fucking stupid slut that she jumped off a cliff so she can fly with the birds and get that 9/11 allahu akbar power to bomb some building u fucking piece of shit, i hope your mom gets molested by thirsty pedophiles and werewolfs fucking cock sucker i hope u burn in hell with ur mom fucking retard piece of shit, Muslim=ISIS and i forgot to object that u have the worst porn in the fucking world allahu akbar fuck u all muslims piece of shits, go wank on this [ATTACH=CONFIG]111716[/ATTACH]
  21. ye i planned to fuck ur moms in her fucking smelly vagina and i hope all of u die except my love
  22. fuck you all i hope u die all jewish mofos 9/11 allahu akbar kotta.
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