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  1. Machmollo realised that hes not welcome here anymore. He is pissed lel Ofc hes talking against the system because hes one of those people who do such shit. Go back to your cave, rat.
  2. I mean if Zeox wants to hear that or not now but threads like that : https://eu.battle.net/forums/de/wow/topic/9635053610 ^ just a german thread with 152 pages about russians should be disqualified from the EU realmpools. Theres also an english one but that one got deleted due they are going to try to fix the latency issues (they said lol) This should not be a hate speech or something like this but it should show you how the reputation from russian player is in the EU. It's simply because some russians were just hacking, abusing and doing everything to win but smh blizzard can't really punish them for that as they do it with the EU Player. Don't have to discuss that here since thats another story. Anyways i want to show you what people think when they join the Server. Obviously They have this russian stereotype in their head like "russians are cheater etc" but that doesnt mean they won't start playing here. If they see people are ABLE and ALLOWED to cheat on a server which is russian, that's a completly different story. That's really not a good advertisment for your own Server tbh.
  3. Id like to use it in pvp aswell... 4Head
  4. Yeah. Idk what i would like more ... a 7 days forum ban or 60 days ingame LUL Jk machmollo ur bad. No ip no win.
  5. before *
  6. Lel ... garbage dk who cant even get anything in 2s is trying to talk about pvp. Grab popcorn boys this is gonna be fun Ye it would be nice to have an new addon. Also the remake the spectator is a good idea but i cant see it happening anytime soon by all those things they planned to do
  7. The procchance is getting higher as long as it doesnt proc. Ur just an unlucky burrito, stop wasting the devs time, retard
  8. Well sorry but ... you might be just bad as Pala
  9. Nop it is not. Try to use "Glyph of the Sprouting Mushroom", then Wild mushroom will change its Spell ID from 145205 to 147349 and won't get detected as players totem. Also the Icon is not working, it just shows an transparent icon
  10. Idk if you ignore the fact that some ppl (even the server owner) are trying to make 3s more popular so "this server is 2s based" is not really an argument. Anyways People have their statistics to proof how high they were in 2s, they don't need to get bugged achievements from 3s. It's actually totally wrong and annoying as fuck. You won't be able to filter Good 3s players from bad 3s players because they all got that shitty 2.4 acm from 2s, that's how simple it is. Should get fixed & resetted as soon as possible. WoW PvP isn't based on 2s and so is Pandawow not. Pandawow ... at least some people (Also zeox) are trying to improve the 3vs3 queues and thats a good step to the right direction
  11. ??? So only because this server is based on 2s (Which is just because noone queues 3s) We should Give out 3vs3 achievements for free ? Lol no.
  12. So he did get r5 in 2s to get his Gladiator title and what did you do to get Arena master ( for example) ? Yeah right you tryharded 2s to get all acm's good job stop comparing that to glad/r1 titles kk thanks. It just shows me that ur talking out of ur ass because you will be mad by losing ur acm's I expected that, that everyone who complains here is aware of hisself being to bad to get the achievements on a legit way. kys srsly, the suggestion is good and i see no reason why Zeox shouldn't do it. 95% of this server got his 3vs3 Achievements from 2vs2 which is simply not legit, end of the story. . Plus + I think it will motivate some people to que 3s to get some achievements for their Arena master title.
  13. Can you please stop arguing ? Like 5 ppl told you now that you WONT grt unbanned because of certain reasons ... Holy shit just believe it rofl ... you abused because you got ganked gg worst argument you could ever fucking come up with
  14. Ok simple question: does it work for anyone ? Downloaded it and tried to import some strings from my w***ane account but it doesnt work at all. Is it an issue from Pandawow or on my side ? If it works for someone please upload it somewhere and link it, ty
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