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  1. There are things for which there is no need for tests, I have found 2 full shamans in bgs, they alone had the entire alliance in the cemetery, only they 2, having more than half full users in the alliance. There were 4 full heals and they had no way to cure anyone since they did not have time to cast a single cure, killing with one hit is impossible. That is not even the worst, but as much as they were beaten they cured all their lives, there was no way to lower them, I do not know what has been done to this class lately but when they enter bgs they play alone. So tests have not been done because you just have to see them, they stick and heal like gods and if you are one of those who use shaman and it bothers you that they rebel this is to balance the game, since there are classes that are not even in the half of what they should be and others like the shaman dps that are very buggy. Seeing that heal full paladins do not hold up to a full dps and that heal low monks hold up to 5 because balance is not the same for everyone.
  2. You can see the Gogoshow user who is killing full hit users with 1 hit in bgs, nor the heals hold their damage, that is an example of many, there are several shamans with extreme damage when they are at maximum, even the 400k are killing as well as other fulls classes. A greeting.
  3. Paladin heal with all benefits and full equipment heals exactly half the monk heal or shaman heal without benefits, without gems and with half equipment, proven. Heal paladins are no longer seen because they do not heal anything, they can barely be fulls against 1 shaman half a team, monks or warriors, I do not even speak of priests. I do not know why this mistreatment of the paladin heal class, in the officer they were on par with shamans and other classes, much better than they are now. Fix the paladin heal, try it and see how they complain and the lack of heal paladins is because they hardly heal and they can't take anything. The paladin is not only wrong, it is horribly wrong. Regards.
  4. Paladin heal with all benefits and full equipment heals exactly half the monk heal or shaman heal without benefits, without gems and with half equipment, proven. Heal paladins are no longer seen because they do not heal anything, they can barely be fulls against 1 shaman half a team, monks or warriors, I do not even speak of priests. I do not know why this mistreatment of the paladin heal class, in the officer they were on par with shamans and other classes, much better than they are now. Fix the paladin heal, try it and see how they complain and the lack of heal paladins is because they hardly heal and they can't take anything. The paladin heal is not only wrong, it is horribly wrong. Regards.
  5. Paladin heal is very very bad in healing, with all the buffs potions and even burst barely endures against a single player with half the team and without buffs, if this issue has been fixed that has already been very bad, it is unplayable.
  6. Me he dado cuenta que hay varios bugs que afectan al heal, mania teneis de decir eso, aprende tu a usar tu clase macho que yo llevo bastante con la mia y se de lo que hablo y he pasado por varios servidores y donde peor esta es aqui, pero por varios bugs que bajan considerablemente el heal como glifos y skills que he comprobado que no saltan sus bonus o literalmente no funcionan y son varias. De entrada la celeridad esta muy baja ahi lo han capado y el sello de perspicacia literalmente no funciona da igual ir con el que sin el no sirve de nada, la sanacion baja y creo que se cual es el motivo, la poca poblacion de palas heal y el favorecer a las clases masivas, no tiene otra explicacion y nadie lo usa porque de entrada esta bastante mal como heal. He probado el guerrero y el dk y en severo ni una parte orgullosa, matan todo lo que se les ponga por delante los heals palas, sacers, druidas y sobretodo chamanes full y digo full con 610k de vida totalmente orgulloso, estas 2 clases se los meriendan en poco mas de 10 segundo, unica clase que se salva pero tampoco cura lo que debe es el monje pero mas bien por las defensivas, tambien tengo que decir que se usarlos bastante bien, llevo bastante tiempo usando estas 2 clases en otros servidores, todas las skills bindeadas de memoria cogiendoles la espalda todo el tiempo y con war y dk 10-15seg cortando casteos sin que puedan hacer nada. El heal en general y no solo hablo de pala no aguanta, no cura lo que debe y restringen algunas skills para beneficiar otras clases ya que hace un tiempo las clases iban bastante bien y las skills en general funcionaban bastante bien, ahora de repente las habilidades ya no funcionan o a medias o las mayoria de glifos no hacen nada. Aburre jugar heal porque no curan ni con el burst pero tambien aburre el dps por matar en 10seg sabiendo que por muy bueno que sea el otro va a acabar cayendo si es heal, no hablemos de brujos o chamanes elemental/mejora ya que el tiempo se reduce aun mas si vas a cargarte un heal.
  7. But what did you understand? Make it see
  8. Es normal la bajada de sanacion al paladin heal que le han pegado? Ha sido brutal al menos a la mitad, ya no veo palas heal en el servidor, mientras un full aguantaba hace un mes a un dps que sepa usar su clase e incluso casi a 2 si columneas y cortas casteos, ahora ya no aguantan ni a un tiranico de 450k. Sera que se me bugeo o es que han pegado un bajon de campeonato, asi es imposible jugarlo habra que pasarse a otra clase, es salir a bg y caes casi en el acto aguantas el escudo y cuando termina tu vida va bajando y mueres mas rapido que el represion. Espero que no lo dejen asi. Igual es el mes del dps y no me he enterado porque aqui las clases suben y bajan todos los meses.
  9. The Heal paladin has struck a brutal decrease in healing. A month ago he was in good condition but now he can not heal himself against low levels of 450k of life. We see magicians and sorcerers who kill of 2 blows and the paladin with maximum level 550 with its low celerity and very low cures does not tolerate to a wark of 450k. They fix the heal of the paladin heal, so it is impossible to use it, the paladins are beginning to abandon their heal branch. Stop maltreating the paladins heal, 3 months ago the same thing, they are not immortal have plate armor and many defenses but only heal a single player. In short, healing very very low, try to fix this.
  10. This player named Big Red walks by all bgs pulling entering the bombs that kill with a single blow, already reported in the forum but still does. Removes bases flags and retrieves a single stroke using a hack clear. The player permanently deleted as it is a clear cheater for the server and enormously damaging the gameplay. In addition laughs when he kills other players and continually abused hack lacking respect not only to users but to the server itself. Leave photos of their adventures where 52 million damage, 105 deaths with honor and has not seen dead any time. [ATTACH=CONFIG]107003[/ATTACH] Thanks to the server and do justice.
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