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Everything posted by Buka

  1. Read what I said once again: As I see, I should change the ban time. Banned for 30 days.
  2. Screenshots were made 12.2017. Screenshots were made 12.2017. Do you really thought players will get banned for screensots that were made a half year (or almost year) ago? Or you think if you will make fake reports your account will get unbanned in gratitude for this? Do you know that your account should get banned for 30 days instead of 7? And he will get banned if you will continue create fake reports with old screenshots.
  3. Здравствуйте. Запрос на привязку указанных персонажей к аккаунту "Avtoromm" отправлен администратору. Ожидайте, пожалуйста, это может занять длительное время.
  4. Declined Screenshots were made 05.2017
  5. Declined Screenshots were made 10.2017
  6. Declined Screenshots were made 11.2017. Last login 2018-12-08. Already banned.
  7. Declined Screenshots were made 11.2017.
  8. Declined Screenshots were made 11.2017.
  9. Declined Screenshots were made 12.2017.
  10. Declined Screenshots were made 12.2017.
  11. Declined Screenshots were made 12.2017.
  12. Declined Screenshots were made 12.2017.
  13. Declined Screenshots were made 12.2017.
  14. Declined http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=236860&p=1401636&viewfull=1#post1401636 Screenshots were made 02.2018.
  15. [Monjedesu] Last login: 2018-01-05 Screenshots were made 12.2017. Declined all topics.
  16. Declined + Screenshots were made 02.2018.
  17. Я тоже. Закрыто.
  18. Отклонено. На скриншотах нет ни капли пруфов какого-то мошенничества.
  19. Будет, если это видео окажется у кого надо.
  20. Правила написания репортов читали? Вот и Вашу писульку прочитали так же, как и Вы те правила.
  21. Опишите, но я не думаю, что за это скоро возьмутся.
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