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Everything posted by Buka

  1. Забанен, 30 дней.
  2. Уже в бане.
  3. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=101266
  4. К сожалению, мы не возвращаем ни почту, ни вещи с аукциона, ни другие вещи каким-либо образом утерянные во время игры.
  5. Отклонено.
  6. Отклонено. Не баг-репорт
  7. Write bug reports in bug tracker.
  8. Check Map Options: http://s01.geekpic.net/di-FPGTLK.png Clean your game client (Delete Cache, Errors, Logs folders)
  9. Please describe your problem by rules. This character was always a Night Elf? Or he was Worgen or Goblin?
  10. Уже в бане.
  11. Banned, 30 days.
  12. Declined
  13. Please write bug report in bug tracker if this quest don't work.
  14. Hello. I'm sorry, but we can't do that.
  15. Banned, 30 days.
  16. Muted, 30 minutes.
  17. Player not found
  18. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=78845 He used cheats in ICC.
  19. Banned, 30 days.
  20. Забанен, 30 дней.
  21. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=135002&p=868989&viewfull=1#post868989
  22. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=135002&p=868989&viewfull=1#post868989
  23. At the moment we have problem with a hard drive for x100 server. And we wait for an answer from DC. When we'll get more information, it will published on the forum.
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