We publish a general list of changes very rarely, so we decided to begin a little blog of changes on the project, in one or another part: core, web, DB etc., which i (or someone else from the staff) will publish in this theme.
Changes on time period 15.02.2015 to 24.02.2015:
- Changed prices and bonuses via SMS from Ukrain (based on the average hryvnia rate against the ruble in the past month);
- The bonuses gain from voting at http://www.openwow.com/ is fixed (the rating had problems, we changed the code for gaining bonuses from this sorce);
- We did open Throne of Thunder on the x100 realm;
- Fixed loot table for the third Boss in the Raid Throne of Thunder;
- We will open the event Lunar Festival again, it will start today and be open till the next morning (you can complete achievements which we fixed);
- Fixed the following bug: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=86121/soul-swap (bug report http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=119819);
- We added an NPC that will help you solve more complex achievements (For more details click here: x10, x100, FUN)
- The bug with the Guild invite is now fixed. (When you get invited to a guild and you already are in one you wont be bugged from it and leave both Guilds)
- Implemented Battle Pets funktion - "Put in Cage" (not 100%);
- Fixed Bug with joing to Battle Pets Queue;
- A lot of Bttle Pet spells are fixed;
- All the things you can see in this section - quests, creatures, loot - http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=224&page=6 (from 15.02.15 and to 19.02.15) is now fixed and added to the Data Base;
- 4 reasons for server crash fixed (1-2 Bttle Pet related crashes still exsist, this will be fixed next week)
* These changes already applied.
In the future i'll publish similar lists one-two times in a week as fixes and other changes will be applied. ©Juster