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Everything posted by Vezir

  1. Hello, My main account got banned Anti-cheat Violation which never happened, i simply havent logged on pwow for many many months and when i logged in it was without the launcher, i used to always log in without launcher turned on, then i got dced and banned, fix this issue please. Ban was issued some time ago but now i want it to be gone as it is not right from your side to ban ME for NEVER EVER using a HACK or any kind of it. https://gyazo.com/041c0b70f59143fea278396cd9c4a94c
  2. good to see that some ppl still care about 3v3 even tho server quality isnt best but good luck to those who dont use wpe or any other cheat. Cheers!
  3. DK: [sondre, Kingbach, Kenquit Unholy] Druid: [Zanked, Noneed Resto], [skyraw, Nightbeauty, Izirecords Feral], [Vezir, Tallaque, Irenzbby, Malakai, Oakiedokie Boomie] Hunter: [Wexwellence, Jugger Survival and MM] [ - BM] Mage: [Deepo, Qwanya Frost], [Валяежйк Fire], [ - Arcane] Paladin: [Darkness, Zanked, Halta, Max Holy], [Dartmeganz, Yoni Ret] Priest: [Akuyama, Salvx holy], [Majely Shadow] Rogue: [Nightmare, Repitchx, Steper, Jugalos ALL 3 SPECS] Shaman: [Zanked, Snowtea, Aqualiquid, Pillaru Resto], [Weafy, Aqualiquid, Pillaru Ele], [ - Ench] Warlock: [Majely, Machmollo, Wercettix, Funka, Broxodemorte Affli], [Autschi as Destro], [Thilan as Demo] Warrior: [Xladders, Noneed, Medvedovski Arms] Monk: [Max, Snowtea, Liquidcityx MW], [ - WW] I ranked them not just by popularity but by skill as well, yes i included myself and yes u can cry if u want its my opinion and i might be wrong about something but its my opinion and it wont change for now. There are few names i forgot to list simply cuz i cant remember them when i was writing this, so excuse me if your name is not there. I will add names as soon as i remember. CYA BRO! Best regards, Vezir
  4. nice +up
  5. Doesnt that happen with with blades edge too and tigers peak? +up
  6. lets make Hpalas even better healers than they are now even better and greater than shamans druids priests monks at once :)
  7. ++++++
  8. false it was a random bug i spectated the arena
  9. just tested it and it seems to be working fine https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/232607098809090048/519539213478133771/unknown.png?width=841&height=473 (on cross) (in a duel) https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/232607098809090048/519537567121801238/unknown.png?width=841&height=473
  10. at 2:19 starfall gets feared but it still goes on and doesnt suppress and same video at 6:35 starfall doesnt suppress from stuns aswell maybe its fixed now idk i am just posting this here for info
  11. The treant should attack the druids target if he damaged it and if druid changes target treant should do it with him aswell its that simple to understand honestly.
  12. https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=106898/stampeding-roar#comments (Patch 5.0.5) Stampeding Roar no longer stacks with Cat form or Travel form. It's going to be a lot more difficult to escape a tricky situation or catch up to a mounted player. as far as i know stampeding roar should not stack with with car or travel form or any other movement speed increase like displacer beast or dash or worgen racial ive tested it right now and the only ability i can use during stampeding roar is displacer beast which it should be usable but the speed bonus from dispalcer should not stack with stampeding roar and i think u dont need any proof for that soo just fix it... (Patch 5.4.2) The speed buff does not stack with the Worgen racial: [li]Darkflight[/li]. https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=102280/displacer-beast#comments
  13. Vezir

    Diffuse magic

    diffuse magic says 60% not 90% or i am wrong?
  14. even reaching 100% damp there should be a small window before arena ends the current one is just BS
  15. :D :D :D good one :D
  16. i agree with noneed i personally saw it but still got no proof of it will test as soon as i can
  17. the same thing happen with many other spells indeed i press them but nothing happens it takes some sort of delay or idk what it could be...
  18. thats low... need buff... - ostos jk ofc fix that thing insta :D
  19. please fix the launcher good so no third programs may be used i am sick of wpe hackers mate...... fuckign dk damage doubles my affliction warlock and he rots us more than we do liek dafuq is this man.... and then the dk did top dmg by sitting on me basically all the game also make sure to check the fucking fingers of frost proc.. hillarious procs mate more than starsure and eles lava burst combined... and for this topic i agree completely.
  20. Good one, also isnt echo like bugged for ench dmg aswell? i mean procs a shit tone of times? ive heard it was like that.
  21. Yep i also thing that the trient should attack the target that the druid is attacking currently not just like if u summon it with root beam on healer for example and then the treant attacks the root beamed target and breaks the root etc, so y u get my point
  22. maybe we get more viewers than blizzcon Kappa
  23. [ATTACH=CONFIG]127414[/ATTACH] old shit I Challenge Melanie, Xtal, Maria.
  24. Vezir

    Warr/BM DMG

    As i remember yesterday one assassination rog almost took me 1v2 cuz he almost oneshtoed me and my lovk in 3 sec so what he did was.. Hewas playing with rdudu and i was in cc and the very first open he made the lock was nearly dead and then i tryed to heal him but he changed on me almost killed me trhu barskin so i had to trinket the 1 sec poison stun that left and had to ursoc. Anyone else had seen anything like that? Also for wars ye i see dmg change but its not a lot just small dmg change that its hardly noticable and some time i saw on 3v3 war rog that oneshot .. Rog hits for 240 ambush and 90k bleeds he was sub but i think Find Weakness and Colossus Smash stack? As for BM there is or was a bug with their pets beeing unable to root them so i was amazed if i was wrong or wtf is goin on so i tested that and in the duel i instantly started to root pet with treants but .. Immune also tryed to cast root but still the same
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