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  1. Hello everyone! Well here is my problem, usually when i play with my characters (any of them), my fps are between 50-60, and if i'm raiding they usually lower themselves down to 25-30... But when i play with my Undead Warrior Khørne (Realm x100), my fps are always 10, and inside raid go down to 7-8. I've tried closing all the other programs, erasing Cache in client, lowering graphics inside game to the lowest possible and outside aswell (control panel), and it helps the rest of the characters except my warrior. Note: in the picture there my fps where at 8.
  2. Primero si consigues un GM de habla hispana, tendras suerte. Porque rara aparecen Segundo, las transfiguraciones o transmogs en este server estan permitidas hacerlas con Cheat Engine, eso aqui no es criterio suficiente para ser baneado. Y si te das cuenta en el server hay muchos usuarios que usan este programa para transfigurar su set en el que ellos desean (podrias ver por ejemplo Guerreros con el set de sacer de Ulduar, que no deberia ser posible, porque la placa no puede transfigurarse en tela), pero con este programa si es posible y aqui es permitido.
  3. Try to repair your character's talents through webiste. Sometimes this error does occur, and in my priest experience, it always get fixed using the repair talents of website. However if it persits, you should consider trying in different spec (Holy, Shadows)
  4. Even it's an old patch (2012), this was fixed in the version we are currently in. Now the problem was the Fear could be dispelled with any spell that removes Crowd Control Effect when it wasn't suppose to (for example: Remove Curse of Mage)
  5. It is fixed, after you finish the battle, it gives you the loot. But like Cogman said, only good for Tmog or to get Enchanting materials.
  6. But the animation isn't the correct one, it should faster like it was before. The problem was the delayed damage that breaked the Heroic leap / Inmitading Shout macro, Since the damage will break the fear, perhaps this is a temporary solution but Warriors are pretty easy to kill.
  7. Is there a problem with the server at the moment? we have tried to log in for the past 20minutes, and it doesn't connect?
  8. Sara, you must take off the quests on all your characters and do then one by one, its a rare bug. It happened to me when my first pally killed lei shen, the next quest cannot be taken, and i had like a week like that, until someone told me that. So i took out all the legendary cloak quest from my other characters, and the quest appeared in the NPC.
  9. Do you have a problem mate?, or you think that every person that knows how to speak spanish is mexican? Racist...
  10. @zaramp Este bug esta cuando se esta haciendo la quest legendaria con tus alters de la misma cuenta. Debes abandonar la quest en todos tus demas pjs, e ir completando una por una. Si alguno de ellos esta en la quests de Sigilos, Secretos o Piedras runicas, no te preocupes que los objetos de la quest no se pierden si quitas la quest. Es decir, debes abandonarla en todos, y seguir en un personaje hasta terminarla, y luego ir al siguiente y realizar lo que te falta.
  11. Hello Everyone! Want to Sell Priest with 2x PVP Sets (550 Healer / 550 DPS), Has some pve gear in both specs. Professions: Tailoring & Blacksmith name: Onlythebest Price: 700+tax Link: http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-3286785.html
  12. Good Everyone. Want to sell my Frost Dk 550 PVP, 567 PVE, Blood Tank Pve 568 (Both Pve Specs with Legendary Cloak), 2x Donated Weapons, Many Titles, Tailoring & Engineering 600, Many Transmog sets, Tons of Toys & Fun Items. ,Price is: 1900+tax, name: Frøzenlove (armory link: http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-3564446.html)
  13. upup!!
  14. Hello everyone! I'm Looking for a pve hunter 560+ ilvl, if any has, please send them through private. i'll pay a fair price. Thanks :)
  15. up up! - - - Updated - - - Druid Sold. Thanks.
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